It's time to team up with like-minded individuals.
Stop walking around everywhere, it’s time to get a mount!
Get the Greatsword as soon as the expansion launches.
Get hold of your own Woodworker’s Set. Learn how to get it.
A large task like finding and collecting 26 glyphs requires the assistance of not only other party members, but also a handy guide to pinpoint all...
Learn about the secret bosses included in the expansion.
Get a grip of the new housing in this New World’s recent update.
Halloween’s incomplete without a taste of some horror and…treats.
The Runeglass of Leeching is one of the new runeglasses that will be added to the upcoming Brimstone Sands expansion for New World.
The Brimstone Sands Expansion is set to release somewhere in October this year, and it has a lot of new content that you might want to...