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V Rising: How to Get More Seeds for Your Farm

Aside from upgrading your character and becoming the strongest Vampire in V Rising, building a farm is one of the most interesting albeit weird things you can do.




In V Rising, you are able to do a lot of unusual but exciting things that aren’t usually available in other MMORPGs. Although the game is very dark and mysterious, with its theme and gameplay revolving around Vampires, there is one somewhat unexpected game mechanic.

As a Vampire yourself, you can actually grow a farm!

How to Get More Seeds for Your Farm in V Rising

First and foremost, you need to find and defeat Polora the Feywalker to begin your farming shenanigans.

This specific boss will award you with a Garden Floor recipe once defeated. After that, you can immediately start sowing seeds and growing crops on these garden floors. This article will teach you ways how to get more seeds.

Getting More Seeds

Once you get your hands on the Garden Floor recipe, you can go to your castle and see it on the Exterior menu found under the Borders & Stairs tab.

Place it in an empty space in your castle to grow plants. Of course, you won’t be able to plant without seeds.

There are currently two ways to gather more seeds for your farm. These are:

The first and most commonly used method of collecting seeds is looking for farms with the seeds you want. Visit them and begin harvesting farming seeds. Make sure to check containers nearby since they sometimes contain a seed.

Another way to get seeds is to look up the Blood Altar and see which bosses award you with seeds after you kill them. Simply trace their blood and go kill them. However, it’s important to make sure they’re on the same level as you so you won’t be having a difficult time.

ALSO READ: V Rising: Unsullied Heart Farm Guide

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