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Stray: How to Enter Nightclub | Find Clementine and Blazer

The Nightclub is an area you can come across early but won’t be able to enter until you progress further enough in the game.




The Nightclub is a pretty interesting place in Stray. While you can actually go into this area early in the game, you won’t actually be able to go inside where the parties are happening. However, as you progress into the final act of the game, one of your objectives will be to find Clementine and Blazer.

Since they are inside the VIP Lounge of the Nightclub, getting inside can be tricky. Luckily, I’ve prepared this guide just for you. Let’s find out how.

How to Enter Nightclub to Find Clementine and Blazer in Stray

Upon returning to Clementine’s flat and finding that she’s not there, your next task will be to head over to the VIP Lounge. Once you have deciphered her message, you’ll find out that she’s right at the Nightclub alongside Blazer waiting for you.

To get there, get back to Midtown’s main square, turn left, and then head down the stairs. Go through the corner to come across a line of robots waiting outside the Nightclub. However, you can’t enter the place via the entrance. Instead, you need to infiltrate it by going to the back of the building via the alleyway to the right.

At the back, make your way to the top until you come across an open window with a robot leaning out. He will ask you if you want to party with them and invite you to come inside. Simply hop into the window to get inside the Nightclub.

Getting to the VIP Lounge

After getting inside the club, your next goal is to look for the VIP Longue where you can find Blazer. It’s up above the flashing lights, and the only way to reach it is by using a lever that one of the robots is holding. Speak to him and he’ll tell you that he can give you the handle in exchange for a drink.

Go to the left of the bar to look for a yellow cocktail then bring it back to the robot. He will then give you the lever handle which you can then use on the lever base at the stage. This will cause the hologram column to descend, after which you need to hop on top of it.

One of the robot DJs will turn it back on shortly, causing the column to rise and bringing you to the top where you can find the control room. You can find three switches that you should press in this exact order:

  • Right
  • Middle
  • Left
  • Middle

This will cause platforms to descend which you can then hop on in order to get to the VIP Lounge.

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