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Last Epoch: How to Get the Bee Pet Without Referral

Who needs friends…



In Last Epoch, you can get a few different pets. Equipped with the accessories menu, they follow you around and can make the game more enjoyable for many players. While most of these pets are just found by playing the game, one of them is different.

To unlock the Bee Pet, you need to make use of referral codes. Not everyone has friends playing the game to send the codes to, so we’re here to help with a solution!

How to Get the Bee Pet Without Referral

You can get the Bee Pet without referral by making use of Steam’s family-sharing system. This allows you to add a Bee to your collection of pets. First, just get your code and save it somewhere on your computer. 

Referral Code in Last Epoch

Once you have the code, enable Steam’s Library Sharing

Steam Settings for Last Epoch

Next, make sure you have at least 3 eligible accounts. Then all you have to do is swap to each account, log into the game, and use your referral code there. This will give you the Bee pets on your main account. 

While the concept of using referral codes to unlock free bonus items in Last Epoch is cool, it can be a bit inconvenient. A lot of people either don’t have friends playing the game or friends in general. Hopefully, this guide will help you deal with that issue. 

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Ibraheem is an action game veteran. Alongside playing Devil May Cry, God of War, and Bayonetta extensively, he has experience in twitch shooters and most recently, rhythm games. He is always in search for the newest games to sink hours into while learning how to play stylishly.

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