Being the first boss in the game, the Thirteenth Brother can make short work of you if you’re not careful.
They call it the Battlefield killer, but is it though?
Managing a BnB establishment is harder than it seems. Especially if the owner, who happens to be your brother, has mysteriously disappeared, without telling you where...
Getting a car will significantly increase your traveling pace and might tempt you to start exploring the world. But once you’ll get back to the main...
Firing 19th century muskets takes a lot more time than in contemporary war games. If you want to survive more than a few moments on the...
Holdfast: Nations at War provides a pretty good depiction of the chaotic nature of 19th century wars. In order to survive, you’ll need to know your...
If you’re playing as a Thrall, you have a powerful advantage over your rivals: Bone Charm. However, learning how to use them effectively can take some...
Barrels might become powerful weapons in the right hands. All they need is some gunpowder.
In a game where items looted from enemies, can range from terrible to great, it’s obvious you’ll want to show off the good stuff you’ve found....
Beastcrafting is a bit of a puzzling mechanic, requiring the usage of a Blood Altar, though without explaining how to do that. Here are all the...