The Stanley Parable is known for having a ton of endings, and the release of the Ultra Deluxe edition introduced a few new endings, one of...
The Essence of True Art ending in The Stanley Parable requires you to follow a grueling process of playing a game for four hours straight to...
Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodhunt has powerful vampire clans with different abilities. These skillsets come in handy, but some have the edge over others for solo runs...
Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodhunt is one of the few vampire-themed games with the best battle royales. To become the champion in this battle royale, you should...
Dune Spice Wars game has been receiving complaints concerning frequent lags and frames freezing during play. The developer has given reasons and probable solutions to the...
Movement is an essential skill in Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodhunt. You will almost be untouchable in the free-to-play battle royale video game with the right movement...
Choosing a spawn location is essential to your adventure as a vampire seeking to dominate Prague. In addition, your spawn locations should give you advantages over...
The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe has a total of 12 trophies that aren’t too hard to achieve.
During the game’s early access, some players noticed the grayed-out multiplayer option in the main menu.
In Bloodhunt, vampires possess different skills and abilities that help them in battle.