Animation cancels are a common thing in games that involve intense, grounded combat. In New World, you can cancel the Berserk animation to give you an...
The best gears that you will get in the Summer Medleyfaire.
We will explain how Fishing Luck works and how much luck is needed.
The Summer Medleyfaire Event is a tradition in New World that’s celebrated every summer, with a lot of new exciting stuff players can look forward to.
You can make many profits from fishing in the New World multiplayer game. This guide will show you how to make as many profits as possible...
New World allows players to transfer their characters to a different world or region. However, you’re only given one chance for free to do so.
The Rabbit’s Revenge is a new event launched by New World that involves farming rabbits to get a variety of goodies. However, you’ll want to farm...
Fishing is one of the many trade skills you can learn in New World. It’s a pretty lucrative one, but if you’re aiming to make huge...
When you reach level 60, the Expertise system starts and it will be the basis of your gear drops.