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V Rising: Best Early and Mid Game Farming Locations

In V Rising, there are a lot of farming locations that can make your resource-gathering activities more efficient.




V Rising is a Vampire survival game in which you must farm resources to survive. Farming is so important that you cannot proceed in the game if you don’t farm enough resources.

After gathering a sufficient amount, you will be able to craft a variety of useful items and continue on to your path of being the Dracula of your server.

Best Early and Mid Game Farming Locations in V Rising

Since the map of V Rising is so large, it might be tough to locate the good areas when farming resources. If you’re having trouble finding suitable locations to farm specific resources, you have come to the right place.

This article will teach you what areas are best to farm for early and mid-game to make your farming more efficient.

Farming Locations

Bandit Stronghold is one of the best early game farming sites. This location doesn’t need any explosives or extremely powerful weaponry to enter it; all you need is your Bear form.

Use your Bear form’s ability to break all the barriers and infiltrate Bandit Stronghold. Aside from loot, you can also find a lot of NPCs with 100% Blood Quality.

Once you transition to mid-game, the best farming location is Dawnbreak Village. It can be accessed in a variety of ways, making it relatively simple to get there.

When it comes to resources, Dawnbreak Village has scrolls, seeds, gems, fish oil, silver, glass, and quartz, waiting for you to collect them.

Another area for early mid-game farming is Mosswick Village. Like Dawnbreak Village, Mosswick Village is home to a lot of resources.

This area has a lot of fishing opportunities and abundant fish oil. You can also farm for cotton yarn, silver, scrolls, and quartz.

Once you finally reach mid-game content, one of the best places to farm is Gloomgrave Village. However, people who live here are plagued by the werewolf curse.

If you do not want to fight werewolves in Gloomgrave Village, farm the area during the day. Gloomgrave Village has whetstones, fish, scrolls, seeds, recipes, and cotton seeds.

In the late mid-game, the best area to farm is Ancient Village. At this point, your gear level will be high enough to access this area safely. Scourgestone, grave dust, ghost shrooms, iron, ghost yarn, spectral dust, and schematics can all be found in this area.

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