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Slime Rancher 2: All Plort Gates and Statues Locations

There are lots of Slime Statues that you can encounter as you progress through your playthrough in Slime Rancher 2.




Slime statues in Slime Rancher 2 are categorized into two types. There are the normal statues that are purely for decorative purposes which you can find in Far, Far Range. Then there are the plort statues which, as the name implies, require a matching plort in order to activate.

Activating these plort statues using the right plort will then open the gate right next to them. In this guide, I’ll show you where exactly can you find these gates and statues in the game.

All Plort Gates and Statues Locations in Slime Rancher 2

Credits to Epokk for all of the information that we all need in order to locate these gates and statues in the game. You can check out his full video to get a full rundown of the locations for all plort gates and statues.

There are around 12 of these plort statues scattered throughout the map, and their respective locations are as follows:

Statue #1

This is by far the only plort statue that you can find in Rainbow Fields. All you need to do is head over to this location on the map:

Here, you’ll find an entrance to a small cave. Simply head inside and you should be able to find the plort statue. This will require a Tabby Plort to activate.

Statue #2

The next area is Ember Valley containing two plort statues. The first one is close to the teleporter as you can see in the image below:

You can find it right below the cliff. To get there, you have to head over to the edge of the cliff overlooking the sea. Here, you’ll find a small platform below which you need to drop down to. Simply follow the path going down to find the plort statue.

This one will require a Batty Plort to activate.

Statue #3

The second plort statue that’s located in Ember Valley is inside a small cave that you can find on this part of the map:

To get there, you have to make your way through the narrow pathway and just keep going straight until you find the entrance. Head inside the cave until you reach a room with a huge stone pillar. Turn right and enter another room where the plort gate is located.

Inside this area, there are 3 plort statues you need to activate, all requiring Bloom Plorts.

Statue #4

The next area where you’ll be looking for these plort gates and statues is Starlight Strand. This area contains the most number of plort gates and statues that you can unlock.

The first one can be found on this part of the map:

This is right beside the teleporter, but in order to open it, you have to go around and get to the backside. You can simply climb up the wall and then drop down. Just go straight ahead to find the plort statue which requires a Hunter Plort to activate.

Statue #5

The second plort statue in Starlight Strand is on this part of the map:

Here, you’ll see an entrance to a small cave. Simply go inside and you can instantly find the plort statue. This will require a Honey Plort to activate.

Statue #6

For this one, simply head to the center of Starlight Strand as shown below:

You will immediately find the plort gate and statue in that location. Simply shoot the statue with a Rock Plort to activate.

Statue #7

To get to the next plort gate and statue, you need to head over to this part of the map:

Once you get there, you’ll find a huge Honey Gordo guarding the small entrance that leads to where the plort gate and statue are. All you need to do is feed it 25 Mint Mango to pop it which then allows you to enter the small entrance.

Keep going forward and either turn left or right. There are two plort gates and statues in here, both of which are on either side. To activate them, you simply have to shoot them with 1 Phosport Plort each.

Statue #8

Head over to this part of the map:

After arriving, you’ll find a huge wall with a round opening in the middle with a plort gate on the bottom center. However, there are 3 plort statues that are scattered across the area. The first one is on the left side of the huge wall right up the cliff.

For the second one, get up to the round opening but don’t go inside. Instead, look for the plort statue to the right side. Then, you can find the last one just a bit farther from the second statue. All of them require 1 Hunter Plort each to activate.

Statue #9

Go to this part of the map:

Head over to the corner and you should be able to find the plort statue which requires a Rock Plort to activate. Once the gate opens, head inside to look for the second statue.

Simply go inside and keep going forward and then turn left. You should then be able to find the second statue in the room. For this one, however, you will need a Hunter Plort to activate.

Statue #10

You can find this one inside a cave that’s right behind a waterfall on this part of the map:

Simply go through the waterfall and enter the cave. Keep going forward and you will then find the statue that requires an Angler Plort to activate.

Statue #11

Similar to the second plort gate and statue, you can also find this one right below a cliff. Simply head over to this location:

Then, head over to the edge of the cliff and look for a platform to drop down to. You will then immediately find the plort gate and the statue that will require a Pink Plort.

Statue #12

Lastly, you can find the final plort gate and statue in this part of the map:

Once you get there, face the side of the cliff. You will notice those pink fungi-looking stuff. Simply climb on top of them and make your way to the top of the cliff. As soon as you get to the top, you’ll then come across a narrow pathway.

To the left is a small plant that you need to jump onto in order to climb to the upper platform. Lastly, you’ll want to hover over the side of the mountain to the right. Keep on doing it until you find the plort gate and statue on the side of the mountain just a bit up ahead.

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