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Tunic: Holy Cross Fairy Soul Puzzle Solution

The Fairy Soul puzzle is possibly the lengthiest and most complicated riddle in the game. Solving it will take a lot of time and effort.



One of the most obscure puzzles in Tunic is the Holy Cross Fairy Soul Puzzle. To finish it, you’ll need to gather enough souls from invisible chests around the world. Those chests will only appear if you’ll successfully input a specific code with a d-pad, unique to each location. Those codes can be deduced by observing your surroundings, but some are ludicrously hard to figure out.

How to Solve the Holy Cross Fairy Puzzle in Tunic

How to Solve the Holy Cross Fairy Puzzle in Tunic

To even start the puzzle, you’ll need to first find a specific manual page. It’s located in a cave you can only access using the Laurel Wreath. From the checkpoint in front of the sealed temple, climb the ladder to the right, follow the stairs found on top and turn left again to see the cave. Inside, you’ll find the skeletal merchant and the manual page.

The Patterns

The Patterns in tunic

Go to the old house and enter the ruins inside. There, turn right and then left, stopping in front of a huge entrance. Now, open the manual page you’ve found. On the illustration, there should be a door with a specific pattern on it. You’ll need to recreate this pattern using the d-pad – in this case, press down, right, up, left, up and right. Now, pass the entrance to get another manual page.

The Seeking Spell

The Seeking Spell tunic

Now, use the grapple point near the entrance to the sealed temple and go up the nearest ladder, then head left for as long as you can. At the end of the road, there should be a gold door with another pattern on it. This one is up, right, down, left, down, right, up and left. You should get the last manual page.

The First Chest

The First Chest in tunic

Now, from the well, pass the gap on the right and pass the wooden bridge a bit farther. Go left until you’ll reach a waterfall. Enter the passage beneath the waterfall to find the Fairy spring, where the souls found by you will gather.

Now, open the last manual page you’ve found to see the pattern to input. Also, notice how it ties with the sparkles on the left of the manual – the pattern “connects” them by drawing the simplest route between each using only straight lines. To find some chests, you’ll need to do the same with some of the objects found in the overworld.

Gathering the Souls

Gathering the Souls

Now, you should be on the lookout for every piece of terrain that seems to form a pattern to input. There are 20 souls to gather, which means twenty spots. There are a few general types of these:

  • Locations with blue tiles on the floor, forming a pattern
  • Locations with rugs that have pattern on them
  • One location in the Eastern Vault with 6 spots with different amounts of candles. You’ll need to stand in the center and press the arrow corresponding with the candle spot, in order from the least amount of candles to the most.
  • Locations with patterns written on the walls (this includes the fairy spring itself)
  • Locations with small white flowers and a pink one. You’ll either need to use the same strategy as with the candles, or draw a pattern connecting the flowers, starting from the pink one.
  • There’s one location with blue tiles that works like the candle one.
  • Location in the quarry with tress that need to be connected, starting with the big one.

ALSO READ: Tunic: All Flask Locations

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