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Lost Ark: Most Valuable Items to Buy to Save Gold

In Lost Ark, Gold is one of the most important currencies. Here’s how to save gold by buying valuable items;



Gold is one of Lost Ark’s seven currencies, and you’ll need it primarily for trading and purchasing gear, consumables, and virtually any tradable item available between players. Getting enough gold for your Lost Ark adventures can be a difficult grind, especially when you’re first starting out. However, we will show you the most valuable items to purchase in order to save gold.

Most Valuable Items to Buy- LOST ARK

Gold is one of Lost Ark’s seven currencies, and you’ll need it primarily for trading and purchasing gear, consumables, and virtually any tradable item available between players.

Getting enough gold for your Lost Ark adventures can be a difficult grind, especially when you’re first starting out. However, we will show you the most valuable items to purchase in order to save gold.

Blue Crystals

The game calls them Crystals by default, but to avoid confusion with other currencies, the community refers to them as Blue Crystals. They are valuable because their value will rise over time.

It has access to Mari’s shop, making it an excellent hedge against gold inflation. It will be able to purchase skins and a variety of other useful items. It is important to buy the blue crystals early as they increase in price over time.

The Pheons.

Pheon is a Legendary item that’s bound to your roster on picking it up. The phrase “Bound to Roster” basically means that this item can be used server-wide but not account-wide. Aside from that, you are not permitted to sell, destroy, or dismantle them.

They are essentially a currency created to combat scalpers. They are used to purchase rare items in the Auction House, whether trading or bidding on an auction. They are also used for Relic Items as when Relic items become available, their value will rise.

For example, a Relic Accessories costs 35 Pheons, a Relic Ability Store costs 9 Pheons, and a Relic Tripod Gear costs 7 Pheons.  A total of 335 Pheons = 2848 Blue crystals = 18 000 Gold.

Honor Shards

Item Honing will be unlocked after completing the final story missions in Vern. At the endgame of Lost Ark, you’ll need more than a few Honor Shards to upgrade your weapons and armor.

Honor Shards are needed to hone items especially gear once upgraded from Tier 2 to Tier 3.

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