In Lost Ark, bracelets are a special item that you can equip to receive battle bonuses and increase your stats. However, some bracelets are better than others, just like anything else.
Starting at item level 1490, you can farm bracelets from the Legion General Brelshaza raid as well as the Chaos Dungeon and Guardian Raid content.
Meanwhile, ancient rarity bracelets become available from content at level 1540.
To help you choose the bracelets that are ideal for you, we’ve created this short guide on how you can re-roll and disassemble or replace them.
Confirm that the Bracelet has a suitable combination of stats before you disassemble it. Think about putting those you can’t use to good use in the Auction House so others can!
They may be extremely valuable in terms of gold. The “useless” Bracelets or the one you re-rolled into oblivion can be disassembled for a minuscule fraction of its former value in shards.
You can amass these over time and trade them in for brand-new ones at the Bracelet NPC.