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Genshin Impact: How to Solve Sekhem Hall Drain Water Puzzle

The Sekhem Hall is an area that you need to visit as part of the Dual Evidence quest. It’s filled with water which you have to drain first by moving certain cells.




After completing the Golden Slumber quest, you’ll then activate the new Dual Evidence quest. This is a pretty long quest with a lot of objectives that you need to complete. Eventually, the quest will take you to the Sekhem Hall which is inside the Mausoleum of King Deshret.

Here, you’ll notice that the hall is filled with water, and to proceed, you have to drain it first. This guide will show you how to drain the water and solve the puzzle.

How to Solve Sekhem Hall Drain Water Puzzle in Genshin Impact

First off, you want to head over to the Mausoleum of King Deshret. You can teleport to the Hypostyle Desert to get there as quickly as possible. Kindly refer to this image for the exact location:

Once you get there, simply head inside the mausoleum until you reach Sekhem Hall. Below, you’ll notice that the area is flooded, making passage impossible. Drop down into the area, and you’ll find tiny pillars on top of some diamond platforms.

These are parts of the puzzle that you need to solve in order to drain the water in the hall. To solve this, you have to interact with the pillar in the middle to release the glowing light inside. Then, you have to move the cell in the pillars by interacting with them in this exact order:

  1. First pillar to the right
  2. Second pillar to the right
  3. First pillar to the left
  4. Second pillar to the right

After that, head over to the leftmost pillar, and you’ll find several crates. Destroy those crates to link the cell to the pillar on the other side. This will then drain the water inside the hall after which a brief cutscene will play.

You can then drop down to the bottom to continue the quest.

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