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Northgard: How to Play Lynx

Learn how to dominate the game using the Lynx Clan.




Northgard is a strategy game based on the Norse mythology. The gameplay is mainly focused on controlling a Clan of Vikings as players discover a new and mysterious continent. Northgard has 14 Viking clans, from you can pick a clan to use and develop. This article will guide you how to play the Lynx Clan.

How to Play Lynx in Northgard

Some would argue that the Lynx Clan is not a beginner-friendly clan since it has a 3-star difficulty to learn, 2-star in Development, 3-star in Military, and 1-star in Support. Additionally, it is one of the few Clear Clans in the game. Clear Clans are Clans that can remove hostels from neutral tiles using an insignificant amount of resources. But don’t worry, we will make it easier for you.

Playing the Lynx Clan

The Lynx Clan, led by Mielikki the Beastmaster, is excellent in archery skills and luring techniques. The Build Order, Lore Order, and Trophy Order for the Lynx Clan are essential to help you dominate the game.

The Build Order for the Lynx Clan is as follows:

  1. Scout Camp: It’s essential to find tiles with animals near your village.
  2. When you have a 5 to 6 population, it is best to build a House.
  3. Wood Cutters Lodge is next after the house.
  4. Archery Camp: summon the two lynxes to start clearing the map
  5. If you don’t have a treasure and you need gold, you will need to build a Longship Dock.
  6. Build a second House
  7. Mine for Iron
  8. Lynx Clan has unique lore for their Hunters Lodge. Build it next.
  9. If you have 150 gold, get Mielikki, the Beastmaster war chief of the Lynx Clan.
  10. Create a Forge and upgrade Wood Cutters, Sailors, Hunters, and Trackers.
  11. Build a second Wood Cutters Lodge.
  12. When the second winter comes, mine for Stone.
  13. Build another Longship Dock.
  14. To heal your War chief, build a Healer’s Hut.

Once you have enough gold and wood to prepare for war, you’ll need to upgrade the Town Hall, at least one Longship Dock, a House, and the Archery Range.

The Lore Path or Order for the Lynx Clan is as follows:

  1. Sharpened Axes to allow woodcutters 20% more wood.
  2. Weaponsmith to increase all military units attack by 20%, helping the lynxes to clear the map earlier.
  3. Spoils of Plenty can decrease hunters upgrade fees while also allowing the war chief to place 2 lures to attract deer.
  4. Archery Mastery reduces the Archery range upgrade cost by 50%.
  5. Feeling Safe provides 3 happiness from the war chief and 1 happiness from upgrade camps.
  6. Next is Nimble Paws, which gives your Lynxes 35% more health and gains a dodge move that negates all attacks while airborne.
  7. Last is Recruitment, which gives a 25% population growth speed and increases recovery after losing units in battle.

The Trophy Order for the Lynx Clan:

  1. The first trophy you want is Caring Siblings. It allows your Lynxes to heal on the same area of an allied zone and provides one of them 25% more attack damage.
  2. Sibling Rivalry lets your Lynxes produce food in your territory and gives 45% more defense.
  3. The Great Hunt allows you to get trophies from mythical creatures and an additional 20% bonus damage against them.
  4. The Wise One grants the war chief the ability to produce plus 3 lures outside of combat.
  5. Experienced Hunters gives 3% attack power for each enemy killed, and goes up to a maximum of 15% until the whole unit dies.
  6. Double Shot allows trackers to produce another shot dealing 20% of the attack against another close target.
  7. Lastly, Fire Arrows grants 50% more damage to buildings and have a chance to ignite enemies and inflict burn status.

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