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Minecraft: How to Make a Golden Carrot

Learn how you can make your own golden carrot quickly and easily!

Sumera Bakshi



There are a lot of amazing items in Minecraft, some for utility and some for aesthetic purposes. However, there are some that can do both! One such item is the golden carrot.

The creators of Minecraft added golden carrots in the game with quite a scary update which also included bats, flowerpots, zombie villagers, etc.

In this guide, however, we’ll talk about how you can make your own golden carrot.

How to Make a Golden Carrot in Minecraft

First, let’s understand what a golden carrot is.

Basically, it’s a valuable food item and a component used for brewing potions. It offers the second-highest saturation in the game, coming right after a questionable stew made with either a blue orchid or a dandelion.

You can also use golden carrots to train, breed, led, grow, and heal horses, mules, rabbits, and donkeys.

So, let’s take a look at how you can make a golden carrot.

Get a Carrot

Source: YourSixGaming

Firstly, you will need to have a carrot. You can get a carrot from many sources such as:

  • Planting carrots on a farm
  • Getting them from villagers who are already farming
  • Killing zombies for carrots
  • Exploring shipwrecks

Get Golden Nuggets

You can find golden nuggets by collecting gold orbs or from your mineshafts. Once you have your carrot and 8 gold nuggets, you can start crafting a golden carrot.

Open the Crafting Menu

Source: YourSixGaming

Once you have gathered all the ingredients, open the crafting menu and make a 3×3 crafting grid.

Put the 8 gold nuggets and 1 carrot in the 3×3 crafting grid to build a golden carrot. It’s vital to arrange the carrot and the gold nuggets in a specific way.

In this case, place the carrot in the middle and the 8 golden nuggets all around it.

This is the golden carrot crafting recipe in Minecraft. It will now appear in the box to your right if you have used the right pattern to fill in the crafting space.

ALSO READ: Hogwarts Legacy: How to Fix Incorrect Pot Size

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