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Last Epoch: Unique Item Farming Guide

Farming special attributes is easy

Kaylee Nancarrow



Unique and Set items are some of the most powerful items in Last Epoch. These items can grant stats and special attributes, increase the power of a build, and act as the base for a Legendary. These items are extremely valuable, therefore it’s important to have a great strategy to find them.

In this guide, we’ll provide the best strategies for farming unique items in Last Epoch. It doesn’t matter how we come across these items, our strategy will lead you right to them.

Unique Item Farming

Empowered Monoliths

Unique items can’t be modified through crafting. That said, they have an extra property called Legendary Potential which is used to create Legendary Items.

To acquire these unique items, you’ll want to do it in Empowered Monoliths specifically ones with higher corruption. The chances of receiving a unique item drop are increased with higher corruption.

Timeline associated with unique item

If you want to collect a specific unique item, you will have to go to the associated timeline.

You can also farm unique items from boss kills. Each boss will drop a unique item, which means it’s just a matter of killing the same boss until he drops the item.

Timeline Bosses

Shade of Orybyss unique item drop

Timeline bosses will drop different tiers of unique items. There are four tiers of unique items that timeline bosses will drop, however, not all of them are guaranteed to drop. Here are the four tiers:

  • Common: There are two common unique items for each boss. A boss will drop one of the items after being defeated. To receive the other, you’ll have to beat the boss again
  • Rare: Each boss has one rare unique item and there’s a slight chance they might drop one after each kill. You can improve your chances of obtaining a rare unique item with Item Rarity.
  • Rare Empowered Unique: Rare empowered unique items will only drop in Empowered Timelines. There is a small chance that one of these unique items will drop.
  • Ravenous Void: The Ravenous Void unique item can drop from The Husk of Elder Gaspar or as a random.

Dungeon Bosses

Dungeon boss fights

Of course, another strategy is to collect unique items from dungeon boss kills. Multiple unique items can drop from a boss kill, with lower-tier unique items being the most predominantly drop items.

Arena of Champions

There are three champions in the Arena of Champions, each one has their own unique item. Champions can drop their unique items at any tier. That said, higher tiers have an increased drop rate in the arena.

Campaign Unique Items

You can acquire two unique items by completing a side quest in Council Chambers. At the completion of the quest, you will have to decide whether you want to turn it into Elder Ezra or Artem the Gambler.

Elder Ezra rewards players with the Avarice unique item, while Artem the Gambler rewards players with the Gambler’s Fallacy. You can only receive one of the unique item rewards.

Increasing Corruption

Increasing corruption is a sure way to ensure that random world drops will be a unique item. It also affects the likelihood of boss kills dropping rare unique items, so it’s a great strategy to farm unique items.

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In the perfect world, nothing exciting ever really happens. To spice things up, Kaylee Nancarrow, a seasoned player, decided to turn her passion for FPS and RPG Games into something remarkable.

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