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Hogwarts Legacy: Ultimate Platinum Trophy Guide

Unlock all trophies and become the ultimate wizard.




If you’re a completionist, then you might find Hogwarts Legacy a compelling game to platinum. After all, it has a total of 46 trophies which is actually quite a lot.

That said, the game is easy to platinum compared to most games in the genre.

In this guide, we’ll show you a quick walkthrough that will help you unlock that coveted platinum trophy for Hogwarts Legacy.

How to Obtain the Platinum Trophy in Hogwarts Legacy


When you look at it from a completionist perspective, Hogwarts Legacy is actually quite easy to platinum. The only problem is that it’s time-consuming.

In order to obtain the platinum trophy, you have to collect roughly all of the collectibles in the game, complete every quest, and complete every side quest you come across.

It’s not an understatement to say it’s a grindy game to platinum.

On average, you’ll end up spending around 70-80 hours and up to 3 playthroughs to achieve this. The good thing is that you will be able to play the game on the easiest difficulty without it affecting the trophies you can unlock.

And since the mechanics of the game are quite fun, you won’t really be able to notice how many hours you’ve already spent in the game.

That said, here’s a strategy you can use to platinum Hogwarts Legacy:

Play the Game at a Normal Pace

Source: Amedeo602

First of all, don’t get too hung up on obtaining the platinum trophy during your first playthrough. Just play the game at your own pace. Do whatever you want, explore the world all you want, etc.

If there’s anything you want to keep an eye on, that would be the Finishing Touches trophy which you can get early in the game. All you have to do is use Ancient Magic on all types of enemies in the game.

This might sound too much, but there are only 67 enemy types in the game. Besides, unique enemies aren’t included, so all you have to do is focus on the 34 enemy types you encounter in the open world.

That’s all you really have to focus on during your first playthrough. We highly recommend this so you won’t end up backtracking after you’ve completed the main story.

Start Exploring

Source: Amedeo602

After completing the main story of the game, all you have to do is get every trophy available in the game. However, this would mean you’ll have to do literally everything to get all of them.

This would mean completing all side quests, all relationship quests, all Merlin Trials, all challenges, all assignments – virtually everything!

Perhaps the only exception is the Field Pages which you don’t really have to obtain all of them (except for the Revelio Field Pages). Other than that, you will have to do everything that the game has to offer.

We highly recommend going through every region and making sure that you completed every activity before you proceed to the next.

Go Through Multiple Playthroughs

Once you’ve done everything in the game, the last thing you should focus on is the trophies that are related to the Hogwarts Houses.

This means you’ll need three more playthroughs, with each playthrough on a different House.

You only need to get to the Map Chamber which will take you around an hour or so. At this point, you should have already completed everything that the game has to offer.

This will then unlock the Trophy Triumph which is this game’s platinum trophy. It’s definitely quite grindy and time-consuming, but it’s certainly fun.

ALSO READ: How to Equip and Switch Potions in Hogwarts Legacy

Brought into the world of gaming by the time he was 10, Argie knew that gaming will bring him countless hours of fun, a thing that has never changed even up to this day. His passion for games is apparent in the articles he write, and as an expert in the genre, being able to share what he's learned, discovered, and accomplished to his fellow gamers is such an amazing opportunity.

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