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Where to Find Arn’s Location in Hogwarts Legacy

Learn where the exact location of Arn is!

Sumera Bakshi



Arn is one of the many merchants in Hogwarts Legacy. However, his shop offers different materials than in most other merchants in the game.

The Silver Arrow Broom is the most prized possession in his inventory, but that will cost you 5000 coins. That said, it is a rare item worth buying.

To find Arn, you will first have to do a side quest for him. During the side quest, you will have to free some carts from an encampment.

After you finish the side quest, only then will Arn appear in front of you. In other words, finishing the side quest is key to making Arn appear!

In this guide, we’ll show you where you can find him.

Locating Arn’s Location in Hogwarts Legacy

Source: b l a n k GAMING

After you complete Arn’s side quest, hop on to your broom and travel towards the Hogwarts Valley region. You can find Arn’s shop south of the Central Hogwarts Valley Floo Flame in the Hogwarts Valley region.

You will have to go through a forest on your broom, but after going past the forest, you will arrive in an open area.

Simply look for the vendor icon in the area. That vendor sign in that area belongs to Arn.

Once you find Arn, you can then talk to him and browse his inventory as many times as you want.

Source: b l a n k GAMING

Arn’s exact location is on the eastern end of Lower Hogsfield. It is located near the path between the miniature lake and the houses.

The vendor sign is tough to miss. Look out for the vendor sign once you make your way into this area.

You will find a lot of rare stocks present in Arn’s inventory. You can come as many times as you want and buy whatever material you require from his shop at this point.

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