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Destiny 2: Best Weapons to Craft | God Rolls

With the newest update, Destiny 2 introduces a weapon crafting system where players can craft 20 weapons.




Since the Witch Queen’s release, Destiny 2 has had a fully functional weapon crafting system. It appears like Bungie has been preparing for this feature for some time.

In the past, they used umbral engrams and focused on improving your odds of getting the ideal roll on your weapons and armor. While there is currently no equivalent system for armor, it is an incredible feature to be able to build, level up, and respec your favorite weapons.

Best Weapons to Craft in Destiny 2

Over 20 legendary weapons are currently craftable, which is a decent start for a number Bungie has promised will increase when new seasons and expansions are released.

But crafting weapons can be kind of pricey, and it takes a lot of time. With that in mind, which weapons should you concentrate your efforts on?

Crafting Weapons

With that said, here are ten craftable weapons that can deal a lot of damage in the right hands:

Red Herring

The Red Herring is a great rocket launcher and a good roll weapon worth working for. Rockets will virtually jump out of the tube if there is a blast radius or velocity skill with the quick launch and high-velocity rounds in the first two slots.


The Season of the Lost gave linear fusions a moment in the spotlight, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t still helpful today. Not to add that Cataclysmic is a raid weapon, so you can be sure it will have some great perk combos.

Likely Suspect

Without a doubt, fusion rifles are powerful in both PvP and PvE, and Likely Suspect has solid rolls for both. For this one, use stability or charge time masterwork or range if you’re feeling bold. The first slot has a fluted barrel, and the second has liquid coils.


This weapon, one of only two sniper rifles that can be crafted, is excellent for dealing significant or super damage. Fluted barrel and alloy magazine are used in the first and second slots of a masterwork for stability or reload speed.

Sweet Sorrow

Sweet Sorrow is an auto rifle that feels wonderful despite its extras, but it can only get better. Depending on your ability to manage recoil and arrowhead break in the first slot, your shot will either be stable or at a great range. In the second position, accurate or steady shots should be used, depending on your level of recoil comfort.


When dealing with bosses and Champions, Palmyra-B is at the top of the DPS ratings. If you can temporarily put Gjallarhorn aside, Palmyra-B has advantages, including an auto-loading holster and an explosive light.


In any particular Destiny 2 season, kinetic shotguns don’t seem to have fallen out of favor. Ragnhild-D shares with many other Aggressive Framed Shotguns PvP-friendly features like Perpetual Motion and Elemental Capacitor.


Submission quickly became a favorite for those who did not possess the Multimach from Year 4. Participating in the Vow of the Disciple raid can obtain this Kinetic 900 RPM SMG.


Available from Vow of the Disciple, Insidious is an Aggressive Framed Pulse Rifle. Once more, to unlock the shape, you must level up five deep sight versions of this weapon.

Recurrent Impact

In terms of major clearing potential, machine guns are a good option, and 900rpms are at the top of their class, which is what Recurrent Impact

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