Progressing through Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 is a pretty daunting task with how harshly “realistic” it tries to be and how confusing and / or vague a lot of the tasks in it are. In this guide, we will share with you a few tips that will hopefully help make your overall experience even just a little bit easier.
10 Tips to Keep in Mind Before You Start Playing the Game
There are a lot of vague and confusing mechanics and quest steps all throughout Kingdom Come Deliverance 2, just like in the first game. To ease you into it a little more, the following tips will include some general advice and a few tricks you might not have thought about when you first started.
Tip #1 – Do Not Blindly Follow Quest Steps
The quests in this game can be a bit obtuse, and that is very likely done on purpose to encourage you to approach things in a more creative manner. For example, something as simple as “steal [x] item” could potentially have various paths to achieve it.
In one of the earlier side quests, for example, you are tasked with acquiring an instrument kept in someone’s house. Rather than breaking in at night and stealing it, you could simply barge in at daytime and talk your way out of getting into trouble before grabbing it when the owner looks away.
This is just an example of how quests can flow in the game. There are plenty of them to discover and complete in the game, and some will even have optional objectives that can are equally as vague and can have alternative methods and outcomes to find.
Tip #2 – Find Ways to Save Your Money
Very early in the game, you are going to have a relatively tough time earning a lot of Groschen. There are many little things to consider when it comes to saving money early on, and some of it requires a bit of shady work.
For example, our guide on how to get Pebbles for free will help you earn a horse without spending any of your own money. If you did not know that the person selling it to you can be robbed at night time, you might have tried earning money slowly to get them.
In fact, for this particular example, you can actually get Pebbles for free by just convincing the stable hand that the horse is yours. To be fair, you would not even be lying to him if you try this, but you will still need to pass a speech check.
Another example is that you can also clean yourself and your gear. Normally, some people will just go straight to a bathhouse and pay for their services to get nice and clean. Even if your Henry is the best negotiator in the world, nothing will ever beat doing it for free.
Tip #3 – Learn the Ways of Alchemy
Alchemy is a bit complicated to learn because of all the things you need to do whenever you want to brew even just a single potion. However, this can save you from a lot of headaches later on.
Not only will you save money on gathering and making your own supplies, but there are a whole lot of potions that are useful both in and out of combat. Their effects range from stuff like limiting how much stamina you lose while hurt to being able to see a little clearer in the dark.
Saviour Schnapps in particular are going to be very important if you are not playing a modded version of the game. This is your main way of saving the game while out in the field, and you can make your own with just a few ingredients.
Tip #4 – Do Not Rush the Main Quest
Going back to the very first tip, you should also avoidrushing the main quest. Once the game opens up and lets you roam the first region, take your time and do a lot of sidequests, because this will make it much easier to progress through the story.
Not only will a bunch of these teach you about the many other mechanics of the game, but it can also give you access to useful services, better gear, and more. Kingdom Come has always been a particularly slow burn, so treat it like a marathon rather than a sprint.
Tip #5 – Try to Get Certain Perks As Soon As Possible
There are many perks to unlock in the Kingdom Come Deliverance 2, and some of them are incredibly useful throughout the entire game, especially if you get it as early as you possibly can. For example, there are perks that will let you sell stolen goods without any risks at all.
To help you out with this, check out our guide on all of the best perks to unlock early. This will include stuff that will be useful both in and out of combat, which should enhance your overall experience.
Tip #6 – Do Not Neglect Stealth Training
Stealth is going to be really useful in certain parts of the game, even in some of the very early side quests that you can encounter. Start getting used to sneaking around and knocking out guards whenever you can.
With that in mind, try to find some gear that will reduce your chances of getting caught while lurking around in the dark. Find some dark and light clothing to minimize your noise and conspicuousness and you will be essentially invisible at night time.
Tip #7 – Being Over Encumbered Can Be Beneficial
If you need to train some vitality and strength, you can actually walk around with a whole lot of weight on your back. This prevents you from sprinting, but you will be training a bunch of skills with the only cost being some of your time that could have been spent running.
Ironically, leveling these skills “passively” also helps you increase the amount of weight you can carry. As such, forcing yourself to walk at a snail’s pace for a bit will open up more opportunities to not be forced to do so later on.
Tip #8 – Stolen Goods = Lots of Money
Even without certain perks, stolen goods can net you a lot of profit if you know how to deal with them. We have a guide on how to sell stolen itemsin the game with more detailed information, but we can give you a quick summary too.
Basically, you can sell stolen items (as indicated by a red hand icon) to a certain NPC at the first region. Alternatively, you can simply hold onto them or store the items for a while and the “stolen” status will go away on its own over time.
Tip #9 – Pay Attention to Henry’s Charisma
Stealth is not the only mechanic you need to dress up a certain way for. Charisma is an important factor in passing speech checks and leveling up that skill as well, which can lead to more favorable outcomes in various activities throughout your whole playthrough.
If you know you are going to be doing a bit of talking for a certain quest, or you just need a quick speech boost in general, make sure to dress up in a bit of fancy clothing. Do not neglect your cleanliness as well, because wearing stuff full of dirt and mud will affect your charisma as well.
Perfumes can help with this too, which is something you can make once you learn how alchemy works. As you can see, some of these tips benefit from the others too.
Tip #10 – Honey is Liquid Gold
If you have just started playing the game, look for these pointy bee hives as seen in the picture below. They can be found in various places all throughout the first region, and they are incredibly filling.
Not only can you just pick them up for free, they also seemingly never spoil, making them one of the best early food options in the game. Each hive typically has multiple of them, so you should be set for a long while if you loot a bunch of them.
They also reportedly respawn after a few days. We are not sure exactly how long you have to wait, but it has been said that they replenish every now and then, so you can keep Henry nice and healthy with literally just honey.
And those are the ten tips we have for you as a new player of Kingdom Come Deliverance 2. Hopefully these can help you progress through the story with slightly fewer things to worry about, as there are many other vague things that will eventually frustrate you in this game.
Franco is a writer and avid gamer who spends a lot of his free time looking for the next obscure indie roguelike to add to his collection. If he’s not busy working or writing on his personal blog, there’s also a non-zero chance that you stumble into him in pretty much any multiplayer game that has SEA or OCE servers. He’s pretty good at anything unless it’s a fighting game, in which case you’d probably body him.