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Xenoblade Chronicles 3: How to Unlock Rank 20 on Soulhacker Class

Reach the max level on your Soulhacker Class by doing these tips!



In Xenoblade Chronicles, you can carry 6 companions. Including you, you will have 7 people in your team. Each companion has a class, and each class has a predetermined role that can either be an Attacker, Defender, or Healer. One of the classes introduced is the Soulhacker class, and we will show you how to reach rank 20.

How to Unlock Rank 20 on Soulhacker Class in Xenoblade Chronicles 3

Before getting to rank 20, you will first need to unlock the Soulhacker class. To get into the class, you must finish the side quest, Doing It My Way.

What makes the Soulhacker different from other classes is the absence of a predetermined role. Additionally, they don’t possess their own special skills. Only by defeating Named Monsters can they learn new skills and arts, making them one of the challenging classes to master in the game.

Unlocking Rank 20 on Soulhacker Class

To get the quest for unlocking rank 20, your Soulhacker must reach rank 10, and Triton should be in your party. Next, you must cook Manana’s Battle Soup. To do so, you must discuss Manana’s Cooking in the Hillside Ferronis Hulk rest spot.

Doing this in another rest spot does not work; in fact, the game will ask you to travel to the right spot. You will then receive the hero quest, My Memories. Completing this rewards you with miso that can be used to cook Manana’s Miso Soup, 4900 EXP, and 4,600 gold.

You can now unlock the rank cap for the Soulhacker class, allowing you to reach level 20. Go back to your grind routine to reach level 20 in no time.

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