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Roblox: How to Get Jetpack Mad City Chapter 2

You can get the Jetpack by swiping the Keycard in Schwifty Studios in Roblox’s Mad City Chapter 2.




An action-packed role-playing game is called Mad City. You can play as either good or evil. You have the choice to play as a member of the police force to bring peace and justice to the city, or you can join a group of street criminals to play the role of a villain. Your choice of role in the Roblox game Mad City is entirely up to you.

How to Get Jetpack in Roblox’s Mad City Chapter 2

Using the Keycard, you can get the Jetpack in Schwifty Studios, allowing flight. Up to 40 seconds of flight time are possible with the Jetpack, after which it must be recharged gradually.

As the Jetpack loses fuel, the light in the center will progressively turn from green to red and vice versa. The player will fall to the ground when the gasoline runs out.

Obtaining Jetpack

The first thing you need to do is get the Keycard in the Casino. You will need to hack the system to get inside the backdoor.

After that, you must hack two computers until you access multiple rooms. The one with a flashing green light has the roulette machine that will give you the Keycard.

After obtaining the Keycard, head to Schwifty Studios, where the Jetpack is located. Use the Keycard on a switch at the table to access a secret room underground. Follow the path, and it will lead you to the Jetpack.

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