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Roblox: How to Get Infinite Piggy Tokens in Piggy

Know the secret of having piggy tokens here.




If you are having a really difficult time earning piggy tokens, then you arrived at the perfect guide for you.

As you already know, the only way to earn piggy tokens while playing in the Build Mode of Piggy is to kill someone as Piggy or to escape as a Survivor. However, you can only get 5 piggy tokens per kill. Meaning to say, you have to kill a bunch of players in order to have a good among of money.

Having not enough money will make it harder for you to buy more traps and abilities.

The good thing is, there is a glitch in Piggy that you can use to also receive infinite piggy coins while playing.

To cut this short, let us start off with things you must do in order to get those piggy coins to put in your piggy bank.

How to Get Infinite Piggy Tokens in Piggy in Roblox

The first thing you need to do to have your infinite supply of piggy coins is to go to Build Mode. You have to make some walls and a few platforms in order for you to have a limited scope of the area.

You can choose to either make a crowded room so that there will be not enough space to run around or make separate rooms for the spawn locations. In this case, shown in the picture, shows the first option wherein the compartment is very limited and there’s no way the survivor can run away.

After building the room, place both a player spawn and a piggy spawn inside. This way, they will be trapped together and it will be easier for Piggy to get a kill.

Once the building part is already set, the next thing you need to do is to find another player or a friend to help you with this glitch experiment.

When you already found someone to try this with, select Play in the Player Mode. Once the game started, the host player should immediately stop the game. You can find this button at the upper right of the screen.

Now, when the two players spawn at the same time, they will be trapped inside the walls you build earlier. That way, Piggy can get a free kill and unlimited piggy tokens.

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