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Roblox: How to Get Hallow Jack | Slap Battles

Tough enough for slap battles? Here’s a Hallow Jack for you!




Halloween’s near and the slap battle are getting more chaotic. The new Halloween gloves are out now in the Slap Battles in Roblox.

As you already know, the hands are the most important and most popular thing when it comes to Slap Battles. Sometimes, you will get slapped by weird-looking gloves. Each pair of gloves has its own attributes and abilities.

To obtain new gloves that you will be showing off, you have to slap someone else for you to earn slaps. These slaps are used as currency and for buying new gloves. But it seems like the players are now eyeing a new glove.

For you to finally get this glove, we made this guide for you.

How to Get Hallow Jack | Slap Battles in Roblox

To successfully have this, you just have to do certain tasks. The first one is a target number.

The first thing you have to do is acquire 5,000 slaps. You can do this by just circling around the arena and slapping people using any gloves that you have with you.

After this, you can go to the lobby. Use and equip the Killstreak Glove. This is where things will start to get serious.

Enter a normal arena and get a rampage by having a 10 killstreak. Remember that you must be in a public server, and you should not die in between kills. Otherwise, you have to go start counting from 1 again.

After the fight, proceed to the mini island. From there, you should be able to see a dead tree. Walk next to it and you should see a grave behind it. However, timing is the problem here. The grave respawns every 10 minutes, so if it is not there yet, just wait for it.

However, if you have already found the gravestone, interact with it and you will receive a badge. This badge will allow you to equip the Hallow Jack glove.

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