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Hogwarts Legacy: How to Get Beaked Skull Mask, Robe, and Wand

Start your School Preparations Early with these free items.



Hogwarts Legacy is expected to release on February 10, 2023. That doesn’t mean that you won’t have to prepare as early as now for it.

While waiting for the game to Launch, here are a few freebies you have to acquire to let your first day in Hogwarts more exciting.

Today, we are going to guide you on how to get A Beaked Skull Mask, Robe, and Wand for free simply by following these easy steps.

How to get the Beaked Skull Mask, Robe, and Wand in Hogwarts Legacy

Start by going to to connect your account and get your exclusive items. here, you will have to Link your Harry Potter Fan Club and WB Games Account. Doing this would let you customize your game by letting you get sorted into what house you are going to be in and other details. Think of it as submitting your application for Hogwarts Academy.

Log in or Join the Harry Potter Fan Club

If you haven’t joined the Harry Potter Fan Club, now would be a good time to do so. Head over to the Harry Potter Fan Club and fill out the details for creating your account. Then get yourself sorted out on what house to join, pick yourself a Patronus and get yourself a wand. All of these can be done by answering the questions on the site.

Your Results Determine the Robe and Wand Rewards

The answers you provide to the questions will determine the Robe and Wand that you will get for free once the game launches.

Once this is done head on over and link your Harry Potter Fan Club to the Hogwarts Legacy Website.

Next, you have to link your WB Account to once the accounts are linked successfully, a notification will inform you that the free gifts are sent over to your Hogwarts Legacy account. All you need to do now is wait for the game to launch to pick up your freebies from the mailbox.

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