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Destiny 2: How to Farm Silver Leaf and Kindling | Solstice Guide

Do the event missions and patrol the EDZ’s public events to earn Silver Leaves and Kindling.




The Solstice event for Destiny 2 is currently running and includes some fantastic gear to gather, much like last year. The Candescent outfits are unlocked at the beginning of Solstice and are used to gain Silver Leaves, a new game currency that can be changed into Silver Ash by participating in the Bonfire Bash activity.

How to Farm Silver Leaf and Kindling in Destiny 2 (Solstice Guide)

Solstice has arrived, which means it’s time to equip our new armor and improve it so that it glows. In addition, we have to farm the new high-stat rolls, which will be very helpful for Destiny 2’s endgame gameplay.

Silver Leaves, Silver Ash, and Kindling are three new currencies that Bungie has added for this event. In this article, we will show you how to farm Silver Leaf and Kindling to help you get that glowing armor fast!

Obtaining Silver Leaf and Kindling

To farm Silver Leaves, you should begin grinding through Gambit, Strikes, Lost Sectors, public events, Crucible, and other Destiny 2 activities that aren’t Bonfire Bash after you have at least one piece of Candescent Armor on. You will receive Silver Leaves for completing these tasks.

Patrolling the EDZ’s public events is a good way to ensure that Silver Leaves are flowing into your inventory at a healthy rate, as you can receive four Silver Leaves for completing each heroic version of those events. Make sure to frequently check your character’s inventory to determine whether you’re approaching the 100 Silver Leaves cap.

Kindling can be obtained by successfully completing event challenges, which you can see on your Event Card. You must be selective when using this resource because there are a total of 24 event challenges.

The good news is that while the seal and titles are account-wide objectives, these challenges can be fulfilled according to the class that you’re playing as. It’s important to note that all Guardian classes must complete all three event challenges to get the title.

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