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Roblox: How to Solve Level 0-10 Apeirophobia | Guide to Escaping the Backrooms

Apeirophobia is a Roblox game in which you have to solve 10 levels in order to get the ending and escape the backrooms.




Apeirophobia is a horror-themed Roblox game where you have to exit one room after another until you clear all 10 levels. If you managed to do so, then you have successfully beaten the game. However, as simple as it sounds, finding the exit to each level is a bit tricky.

This guide will show you how to solve all 10 levels in the game.

How to Solve Level 0-10 Apeirophobia in Roblox

As mentioned, the game has 10 levels you need to finish in order to beat it. Here’s a detailed guide on how you can go about every level:

Level 0

For this level, you’ll need to find the vent to exit. This will take you to the next level. However, there are two entities that you’ll encounter at this level. One will kill you if you’re caught while the other will fire off waves that can blur your screen.

Level 1

After reaching Level 1, you’ll then need to look for valves scattered all throughout the room. This is a flooded room with a total of 6 valves, and you need to turn on all of them to unlock the exit. Just like the first level, this one also has an entity that will kill you if you’re caught.

Level 2

This level is fairly straightforward. As soon as you enter the room, climb up the stairs to the left and follow the path until you reach the end. You’ll then come across a ledge with plenty of other rooms on the other side. Instead of crossing, simply drop down from the ledge.

Level 3

In Level 3, you’ll find several draws scattered all across the room. The complete this level, you have to look for 3 keys from these drawers. However, the key spots are randomized each time you enter this room, so you need to look for the keys inside each drawer you encounter.

It also has one entity that will kill you if you’re caught. The hard part is that it can detect movement, so if you want to avoid detection, you have to crouch most of the time.

Level 4

Similar to level 2, this one is quite easy to complete. As soon as you enter the room, follow the path on the left then go all the way forward. You’ll come across a staircase to the right, but instead of taking it, follow the path on the left instead.

Go all the way forward until you come across another staircase to the right. Take that staircase and go all the way straight until you reach a room with glass floors. Keep going forward through the glass floor room until you a narrow passage to the left.

Go left and you’ll find a dark pathway. Keep going forward and turn left until you reach a glowing door which is the exit.

Level 5

This one is a bit tricky since it takes place inside a dark cave. It also has an entity that will kill you if you’re caught. After killing you, it will then shapeshift into you, so it can also trick other players into thinking that it’s still you.

The trick to completing this level is to go forward while hugging the right wall at all times. The first few parts can be tricky since they will return you to your starting point. Instead of going full circle, look for the wall on the right and keep on walking until you eventually reach the exit.

Level 6

To complete this level, you just have to run straight, turn left, then go straight again. Once you reach the section with a drawer lying on the floor alongside a few boxes, turn right and go all the way straight. Similar to the other levels, this one has an entity that will kill you if you’re caught.

Level 7

For this level, you have to remember the color of the dice as well as their total amount. Since the dice color and amount are randomized, they will vary whenever you play this level. After taking note of all dice, head over to the nearby computer and turn in the amount of dice as well as their respective color. The computer will walk you through how to do this.

After obtaining the code, look for the locked door and use the code on the keypad to open it. Once inside, just keep going forward and navigate through narrow pathways.

You will eventually arrive at a ladder. Go up that ladder and navigate your way through the vents until you reach the library. 

Inside the library, look for the Research book and flip it to the next page. You can find a series of 4-digit codes which you have to use to unlock the door. Only pick one of them as only one code is correct. In the next room, climb up the ladder and navigate through the vents again until you reach another room.

Inside, look for the computer and input Y. This will open a tiny exit on the corner. Find your way toward the exit to clear this level.

Level 8

For this one, hug the wall on the left and keep going forward. At the same time, you have to avoid an entity that will kill you if you’re caught. Since the room is dark, it will be hard to see the entity. One thing I can suggest is to use a locker.

Level 9

Yet another flooded room, this one is pretty straightforward too. You simply have to find the water slides somewhere in the room. Touch the slides to get to the next level.

Level 10

In the final level, you have to look for a key in the lockers. However, this is randomized, but if you’re playing with other players, you’ll be able to find more than one key.

After getting a key, simply head over to the corner and use the key to unlock the door. This will prompt you to exit the level and get the game’s ending.

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Brought into the world of gaming by the time he was 10, Argie knew that gaming will bring him countless hours of fun, a thing that has never changed even up to this day. His passion for games is apparent in the articles he write, and as an expert in the genre, being able to share what he's learned, discovered, and accomplished to his fellow gamers is such an amazing opportunity.

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