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Palworld: How to Level Up Quickly | XP Farm Guide

I want to level up, and I want it now!




You level up pretty quickly at the start in Palworld, but it seems to slow down greatly after the first few levels without relying on some sort of XP farm.

That said, the game doesn’t have anything that truly lends itself to farming XP, at least in the traditional sense. It does, however, have a system that will give you thousands of XP extremely quickly!

In this guide, we’ll tell you everything you need to know to level up fast in Palworld.

How to Level Up and Farm XP Quickly

Palworld: How to Level Up Quickly | XP Farm Guide

Do note, that we will be talking about XP gain in this article based on the standard difficulty settings. You can use custom settings to increase the XP gain rate up to 20 times the usual if you want.

But, for people playing on the standard preset difficulties only, things are more limited…

Anyway, truth be told, there’s no real XP farm in Palworld, at least currently.

While it’s true that pretty much every single action grants experience, repeatable actions such as crafting and battling give a very small amount of XP.

Capture Bonus example

Instead, what you want to do, is to maximize the XP bonus from capturing Pals.

You can get a huge amount of XP by capturing each species of Pal up to 10 times, and the bonus even scales up based on your level!

Though, sadly, capturing more than 10 Pals won’t give you any bonus XP.

Nonetheless, you will want to focus on obtaining as many Pal Spheres as possible. You can craft them with ease, with higher-tier variants being unlocked through the game’s Technology Tree!

Paldeck screen, pointing at Habitat and Capture Bonus

You can also check the habitat of every Pal you’ve ever found from the Paldeck, which makes it easier to hunt down any Pals you haven’t captured up to 10 times.

On that note, the Paldeck will also show you how many times you’ve captured each Pal. Use it to keep track of which Pals you need to keep catching for the XP bonus!

There are over a hundred Pals for you to find and capture, so you will get most of your XP and level-ups from simply catching ‘em all multiple.

The big downside to all of this is that the Capture Bonus is exclusive to your player character. Pals don’t receive the bonus XP!

What To Do If You Exhaust The Capture Bonus

Capturing Two Pals At Once!

So, did you manage to catch all of the 111 Pals in the game a total of 10 times each but still need more XP?

Well, first of all, congratulations! It’s no easy feat to capture all of these Pals so many times. You’re most likely very close to Level 50 by the time you’ve done that, and that’s the max level.

At this point, your only alternative is to repeat boss battles and explore dungeons.

Zoe Boss Kill

There are repeatable boss Pals in the world, such as the highly popular Anubis, on top of the Syndicate Tower bosses.

Not to mention the procedurally generated dungeons you can find all over the place!

Every single one of these bosses respawns, so you can fight them as many times as you want.

The world boss Pals take some in-game days to reappear, though, but the Syndicate Tower bosses can be rechallenged continuously whenever you want.

Zoe & Grizzbolt boss screen

Defeating them will always yield a chunky sum of XP, with even Zoe granting over a thousand XP despite being the weakest of the lot.

The nice thing about defeating bosses is that your entire party of Pals will also gain the XP.

Though, do note we said Party. Pals back at your base and the Palbox won’t get any XP when you defeat a boss.

Nonetheless, you should now be more than ready to boost your levels up quickly and reach the current cap of Level 50!

ALSO READ: Palworld: How to Get OP Quickly

Venezuelan gamer cursed by being interested by most games, resulting in a ridiculous backlog he’ll never be able to conquer. Been gaming for over two decades now! Few things exemplify his wide variety in gaming tastes as the fact that he’s a big fan of both Souls games and the Atelier series at the same time. Also a big fan of Yakuza/Like a Dragon, Deadly Premonition, Zero Escape, and Dead Rising, among others. Considers Lost Judgment and Sekiro to both be masterpieces.

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