God of War presents its long-time fanbase with an array of puzzles and secrets that progressively get harder as you go through the campaign.
One such puzzle in the game is Groa’s two-statue energy crystal puzzle. It’s a problematic puzzle so it’s essential to keep your wits about you if you want to accomplish this one.
The puzzle has a lot of steps to accomplish and the solution might not be intuitive for most players. Luckily, this guide will help you accomplish this puzzle to progress through the quest. Read on further in this guide to know the solution!
Goa’s Secret Two Statue Energy Crystal Puzzle Guide
When you enter the room, you will immediately notice that there are two statues situated across each other. This will be useful in trying to solve the puzzle so keep that in mind for now.
The first thing you have to do is look to the left and you will see a ledge that will allow you to go behind the left statue.
Once you’ve destroyed it, interact with the red crystal again to turn the statue back towards the left. You’re going to need it at this angle for the next step.
Go up towards the right ledge to go behind the right statue for the final step. Aim your Axe on the purple shield of the left statue and wait for the color of the line to turn blue instead of red. This will mean you have found the right angle to throw your axe to unlock the door.