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Destiny 2: Season of Plunder | Star Chart Guide

To ‘upgrade’ the Star Chart, you’ll need to level the Reputation Rank of it, or be unlocking the Pirate Crew Bonuses.



The ‘Star Chart’ functions as a machine that can help you locate buried treasure, expand your crew, and aid you during the countless activities you’ll be doing in Season of Plunder.

However, this won’t all come at the drop of a hat – you’ll have to invest time towards ‘upgrading’ the Star Chart,’ which we think is absolutely worth it (and essential) for progression through Season of Plunder.

Below we explore how to unlock more features of the Star Chart, through game progression, and how it links into the building of Treasure Maps, using the Captain’s Atlas, and being able to source Treasure Coordinates with ease.

A ‘Star Chart’ Guide for Destiny 2’s ‘Season of Plunder: How to Make Treasure Maps, Utilize the Captain’s Atlas, And Fast Treasure Coordinates

To level the “Reputation Rank,” you’ll have to participate in Expedition and Ketchcrash Missions, Star Char Bounties, and Seasonal Challenges.

All of these can be done daily and on an on-going basis, with no limit – every couple of ranks will unlock different corresponding bonuses such as Engrams, Treasure Maps or Map Fragments, and Buried Treasure.

To unlock “Pirate Crew Bonuses” you’ll have to obtain “Repute.”

This is the new form of currency introduced in Season of Plunder specifically for this. Repute can be obtained through fulfilling weekly challenges, and there is a limited amount available to you during that week. This means you won’t be able to fully upgrade from the beginning.

Week I, for example, contains both “Successful Expedition” and “Antiquarian I.”

Once you’ve obtained enough Repute through these weekly challenges, you can go to the Star Chart and select the Pirate Crew menu. From there, you can invest currency into the different skill trees linked as “Navigator, Swashbuckler, and Quartermaster.”  

These differing trees will unlock differing pirate crew for you to ‘recruit’ aboard, and bonuses that will impact you while on the activities during the Season of Plunder.

The Star Chart also plays an integral role in linking together Treasure Maps, the Captain’s Atlas, and Treasure Locations.

From the “Pirate Crew” upgrades available, you’ll first need to unlock the first Navigator to get Treasure Coordinates in Season of Plunder.

Treasure Maps in Season of Plunder: Utilizing Captain’s Atlas, Map Fragments, and Coordinates

Between unlocking “Halsiks the Sniper” for Season of Plunder activities and finding coordinates on defeated enemies, you’ll gain Treasure Coordinates quickly in the new Season. These “Treasure Coordinates” act as a material type, and help to create a “Treasure Map.” These will be used throughout Season of Plunder – Treasure Maps will reward you will Plundered Umbral Energy and Expedition Gear and are used with the Captain’s Atlas to give extra chests at the end of Expeditions.

Basically: Map Fragments and Treasure Coordinates -> Treasure Maps.

To earn Map Fragments, you’ll have to involve yourself in Ketchcrash, where you’ll be raiding enemy ships for loot, while Treasure Coordinates can be gained through simply playing almost any activity in Season of Plunder.

Once you have a good amount of both Map Fragments and Treasure Coordinates (the game enables toy to hold 325 Treasure Coordinates and 50 Fragments at a time), you can select the Captain’s Atlas from the quest menu. You can then spend these farmed resources to build a Treasure Map.

You’ll start off by unlocking the Basic Treasure Map, which typically costs (5) Map Fragments and (50) Treasure Coordinates. Once you’ve progressed through and begin to level the Pirate Crew Trees (via the aforementioned Reputes), you’ll earn better and more costly Treasure Maps. These will then help you to secure gear or weaponry rather than the Season of Plunder energy currency.

Once you’ve selected your map, you can run an Expedition via the Expedition playlist option – upon opening the chest at the end, you can ‘spend’ or use your map to ‘dig’ at a nearby “X” to get a reward.

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