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Destiny 2: Corrupted Grandmaster Guide | Season of the Haunted

One of the most difficult Grandmaster tasks in Season of the Haunted that Guardians will have to overcome in Destiny 2 is The Corrupted Nightfall.



Grandmaster Nightfall may be accessed by Destiny 2 players in Season of the Haunted, which has a different rotation than Season of the Risen. As long as a player hasn’t already taken on a particular Grandmaster during the current Season, GMs can be finished in any order.

Corrupted Grandmaster Guide | Season of the Haunted- Destiny 2

The Epitaph mission modification is something that Guardians need to be aware of because The Corrupted has a lot of Taken opponents. Blight geysers are released every time a Taken warrior is defeated while Epitaph is active.

Avoid the Taken Mob

Players should avoid the Taken mob because this may make or break any fire team in a Grandmaster Nightfall. Along with the usual Grandmaster Nightfall effects like Champions Mob and Shielded Foes, additional objective modifiers like Chaff, Match Game, Equipment Locked, and Limited Revives are also in play.

Get Weapons with Adaptive Munitions

Weapons such as the Pointed Inquiry or Staccato-46 in Destiny 2, let Guardians deliver extra damage to opponent shields with an elemental type other than the weapon itself. Additionally, these Scout Rifles can deal with opponents far away and Unstoppable Champions, making them excellent choices for The Corrupted Grandmaster Nightfall.

A fire team may want to think about playing back on stairs or platforms with cover to keep a safe distance because The Corrupted features a few distinct places where several opponents would be in a constrained area. The ultimate boss and the twin ogre arena are the two confrontations that might cause the fire team the greatest difficulty.

Kill the Taken Ogre

The fire team should think about killing the Taken Ogre and those foes last while battling the Hive and Taken Ogres because there are fewer opponents in the Taken realm than in the regular world.

Build a Solar Titan

Build with the Loreley Splendor Helm is recommended to ensure that Guardians can easily dispatch red-bar opponents in this encounter while enhancing the Guardian’s durability. Solar Warlocks with the Touch of Flame Aspect will experience a double explosion from their Fusion Grenades. Any ignition explosions that occur when the yearly Solar Fulmination mod is enabled will additionally do more damage over a wider area.

Throughout The Corrupted Grandmaster Nightfall, Solar Warlocks will be able to give their friends extra Orbs of Power by combining this effect with the Ember of Ashes and Ember of Wonder Fragments. Any Solar Warlock is the ideal combination of medic and grenadier for this Grandmaster as the final boss battle begins because the Well of Radiance will also give more protection and damage to the fire team so long as they remain within of it.

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