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best cleric build in wanderlander 2023 best cleric build in wanderlander 2023


Best Cleric Build in Warlander 2023

Don’t know how to gear up using Cleric? Read this guide to know how!

Doben Villaruz



The same is true for any online video game we play, so if you’re having trouble choosing the right builds or loadouts, especially if you’re using a Cleric being a support character might not always be as simple as you think, which is why you need to make sure you’re prepared. Warlander is one such game, and you need to be prepared when it comes to gearing up the proper equipment for your heroes. If you’re uncertain about the builds a Cleric needs, don’t worry—we’ve got you covered!

Prioritize Cleric’s HP with the Proper Gear

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In Warlander, players must design their Cleric with the best traits to make sure they are effective enough to survive in combat and aid their squad. Success will be much easier to achieve if you know what advantages to use and what abilities are the best.

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The Cleric has a minimal quantity of HP to work with because he is a support character. Players must enhance it as much as they can by acquiring equipment that has perks that increase HP. There is a lot of equipment available that delivers more HP. Though they might have to put in some effort.

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It’s crucial to keep in mind that they’ll need to check their equipment screen when they initially start the game. The default setting in the game is to equip players with nothing.

Until something better comes along, they’ll have to use whatever they can find to equip their cleric. They’ll also need to pay attention to their CP. In order to get more HP with each kill, they can additionally equip a weapon with the Bless of Wilfull Murder perk.

When equipping gear, pay attention to your CP.

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All equipment has a CP cost, and players are limited by how much CP they have, which may be annoying. They can examine the price of new equipment as it becomes available and determine whether the cost would be prohibitive for them to equip it. Players must choose their armor carefully because of the comparatively low CP at the beginning.

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They must strive to be able to assign a Title to their Cleric in order to gain more CP. This will cost XP, and frequently a task must be finished. Better titles are frequently obtained through longer playtimes.

In any case, the Title will let them raise their CP, which will let them buy better gear. In general, the cost of CP rises with the quality of the equipment.

Always Use the Right Perks

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Even though they are not as weak as a Mage, clerics are still not as powerful as warriors. To improve their in-game defense and offense, they therefore need all the advantages they can earn.

 It’s not the Mages and other Clerics that players need to be concerned about, if they take a moment to think. Warriors on the opposition’s squad are the main threat to clerics.

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They must therefore equip their weapons with perks that are appropriate for resolving the problem. The Cleric’s safety depends on Warrior Killer. They are a minor DPS class and need all the assistance they can get to compete with the game’s genuine DPS class.

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By equipping their crossbow with this feature, they can keep the Warriors at bay and possibly kill them before they reach near enough to pose a serious threat. Additionally, they need to think about adding Ladder Use Speed Up to a piece of gear. This will make it easier for their cleric to climb ladders and enter the fortress more quickly.

Always Equip Effective Healing Skills

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The best healing abilities will be necessary for the Cleric to be most effective. The team’s support, after all, is them. They have the responsibility of boosting and healing other team members when they suffer injuries. In this field, it’s important to choose the abilities that have the most effects.

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The first skill is Area Heal, which is a fantastic choice. Allies within 5 meters of the cleric will get 20 HP restored over the course of 50 seconds. When several allies need to be healed at once due to wounds, this is helpful.

Resurrect is the second ability. A fallen ally’s HP can be partially restored and revived by the cleric. In the midst of a fierce battle, this is essential to the team’s success.

Always Equip Your Best Shield

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The Cleric benefits significantly from the shield. They are on the same playing field as the Warrior. They’ll need it to defend themselves if they’re forced into melee. The shield’s amazing feature is that using it doesn’t drain stamina.

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They are free to remain concealed behind it all day and maintain a defensive position as long as is necessary. They’ll want the best shield available to them for the best outcomes. For the shield they are wearing to be most effective, they should also take into consideration the benefits on those shields.

ALSO READ: Best Mage Build in Warlander 2023

He likes anime, video games, and Vtubers (Virtual Youtubers) . Mostly spends his time at home rather than socializing outside. His dream was always to go to Japan.

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