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ARK Survival Evolved: How to Easily Tame Lightning Wyvern

The Lightning Wyvern is no doubt the strongest wyvern in ARK: Survival Evolved. However, getting yourself one of these beasts isn’t that easy. Luckily, there’s a way to make the counter a lot easier.




Wyverns are one of the strongest creatures you can find in ARK: Survival Evolved. However, you can only find them on certain maps that have wyvern caves, such as Ragnarok, Scorched, Valguero, and others.

Of the many different types of Wyverns, there’s no doubt that the Lightning Wyvern is the strongest among them.

It’s for this reason why it’s sought-after among players who are looking to have a flyer for themselves. If you’re struggling to tame a Lightning Wyvern, then this guide is for you.

How to Easily Tame Lightning Wyvern in ARK: Survival Evolved

First things first! Lightning Wyvern, just like any other wyvern, is not a knockout tame. Unlike other creatures such as dinos that you can tame by knocking them out and feeding them their preferred food, wyverns are quite different.

In order to get yourself a Lightning Wyvern, you need to steal a Lightning Wyvern egg and then incubate it. Only then will you be able to “tame” your own Lightning Wyvern. That said, getting a Lightning Wyvern requires a bit of preparation, albeit a different one.

For this, you’ll want a flyer that can outpace wyverns when they’re chasing you. The best option for this is the Griffin as it can easily escape any chasing wyverns. A Pteranodon would do too, but you’ll need to sacrifice it to the chasing wyverns so you can jump into the water and escape with the egg.

Obtaining a Lightning Wyvern Egg

As mentioned, you’ll need to obtain a Lightning Wyvern egg. You can find it inside a wyvern cave, but only if there’s a Lightning Wyvern nearby. If you spot a cave with a Lightning Wyvern flying around, then scout the area for the egg while avoiding the aggro range of any nearby wyverns.

Once you find one, grab the egg, jump into your Griffin, then fly away as fast as you can. All the wyverns in that cave will chase you right after you pick an egg. If you’re not careful, you’ll end up dying and even losing your Griffin tame.

As soon as you escape, any chasing wyvern will eventually disappear from your render distance. Go back to your base, incubate the egg, and wait for it to hatch.

Then comes the hardest part – keeping the newly hatched wyvern alive. Normally, you would need to feed it Wyvern Milk which you can obtain by knocking out a female wyvern. A knocked-out wyvern will give you 5 milk, but you have to loot it immediately since a wyvern’s torpor depletes rapidly.

However, if you don’t want to risk yourself gathering Wyvern Milk, one effective trick is to use your Daeodon’s healing buff. Simply activate your Daeodon’s healing with the baby wyvern nearby. This should allow it to survive without having to feed it milk.

If you want full imprinting, just use a cryopod whenever it asks for Wyvern Milk and throw it back again to change its request. And there you have it, a fully tamed Lightning Wyvern!

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Brought into the world of gaming by the time he was 10, Argie knew that gaming will bring him countless hours of fun, a thing that has never changed even up to this day. His passion for games is apparent in the articles he write, and as an expert in the genre, being able to share what he's learned, discovered, and accomplished to his fellow gamers is such an amazing opportunity.

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