There is so much treasure to find in Sword of Legends Online, it’s hard to know what to look for. Most of these are useless trinkets,...
You might’ve heard about the expansive housing system in Sword of Legends Online, yet after playing for a while, this feature has till not been mentioned...
The world of Sword of Legends Online is massive, so traveling on foot can take a while. Fortunately, there are over 50 available mounts in the...
Leveling in Swords of Legends works a bit different than in most MMORPGs. So, here, we’ll explain how you can change your beginner character into a...
Completing dungeons in Sword of Legends Online can be a daunting task for a lone player, and you’re not always going to find people to play...
Whether you need to catch some fish for cooking or just want to relax with a rod in hand, Sword of Legends Online got you covered,...
One of the most important aspects in every RPG is equipment, and with Babylon’s Fall allowing you to use four different weapons at once, it’s safe...
One way to get more out of your favorite items in Babylon’s Fall is Enhancing them.
You’ll quickly learn how useful crafting is in Babylon’s Fall, but it will make use of a lot of materials. Fortunately, there exist a lot of...
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