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Tier List

Most Overpowered Pals in Palworld

Top 5 most powerful Pals!

Nedim Fetahovic



Pals are at the crux of Palworld’s design and are meant to do all the heavy lifting for you. That said, some are more powerful than others.

Well…a lot more powerful than others. Since Palworld came out only a week ago, developers did not have enough time to nerf or buff certain characters to make the game more balanced.

As is customary, that’s where we come in to give you a guide on the top 5 most overpowered Pals currently in Palworld. Strap in and enjoy as we unpack the top 5 Pals you can get in Palworld at the moment and why they’re so powerful! Let’s get started!

Pals in Palworld


Starting with Ragnahawk, this flying Pal is an absolute must-have for covering lots of ground and reaching otherwise unreachable places. It is a fire element type Pal and its partner skill is called Flame Wing. This skill allows the player to ride Ragnahawk as a flying mount while at the same time, it charges your attacks with fire damage.

The possible drop for this Pal is only the Flame Organ. However, this is then supplemented with its work suitability. Having Kindling at level 3 and Transporting at level 3 makes this Pal one of the most useful ones for your base.


To find this Pal, you need to head south to the volcanic area as indicated in the screenshot below. As it is a fire type, you would be wise to bring a water-type Pal with you to counter it and deal more damage thus making the capture of this Pal easier.

If you still need help, make sure to check out our Palworld Map!

Ragnahawk location


Reptyro is an interesting one. This Pal is very slow, however, it is also very powerful due to its enormous size. It is a fire and ground type Pal once again meaning that you would do well to bring a water type with you for capturing this Pal.

This Pal also has very useful work suitability with Level 3 Kindling and Level 3 Mining. These abilities make it the ideal addition to your Base as it is useful on so many fronts.


Similarly to Ragnahawk, Reptyro can also be found on the volcanic islands in the south. However, Reptyro is immensely powerful and you will need a high-level sphere and a higher-level character to successfully capture this Pal. For more info on capturing Pals check out this guide here!

Reptyro location


The sole purpose of capturing Ribbuny is to employ it as your portable munitions factory. That is if you want to use guns in this game. Which we believe most of us do…because…guns…

On a more serious note, this Pal has a unique partner skill called Skilled Fingers. This means that when assigned to a workbench, it will significantly speed up the manufacturing process of whatever it is you’re crafting. In most cases, ammo. Ribbuny can create lots of it, which you will definitely need.



Fenglope is a Pal that you want, not for its work suitability, nor its combat stats. This Pal is for traveling and getting around quickly. When mounted, it has insane speed, and on top of that, it can perform a double jump.

This will make exploring the map so much quicker and easier for you. Aside from this, Fenglope is a neutral element type Pal and its only work suitability is level 2 Lumbering. However, as we’ve said, you get this Pal for its speed and agility, not for its handiwork.


To find Fenglope, you once again need to head over to the volcanic area in the south. Being a neutral element type, you will need a dark element Pal to help you capture it.

Fenglope location


You can think of Digtoise as your local dwarf sprung from the mines of Moria or the Misty Mountain to mine, mine, mine. We emphasize, this Pal is used purely for mining due to its incredible mining abilities.

For more info on where to find Digitoise and how to catch it, check out this guide.

In addition to this, you can craft a Digtoise Headband which works as a Pal Necklace. If you don’t know what this is, we recommend checking out this guide right here.


With this, we will conclude today’s tier list, we hope you enjoyed and make sure to stay tuned for more cool content!

ALSO READ: Palworld: How to Get Paldium (Best Locations)

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