The new location in Genshin Impact, called the Chasm, is full of mystery and danger. You can find a mysterious letter in a secret room when...
The anime-based open-world action role-playing game with hidden quests, puzzles, areas, and messages. But can you decipher the messages in the chasm?
If you’ve heard of the RNG chest in Chasm in Genshin Impact, then you might have been frustrated trying to figure out how to unlock it.
The Echoes of an Offering Artifact set is a powerful set for characters that mainly use Normal Attacks. However, it’s currently bugged as of this moment,...
The Floral Courtyard: Part I quest is part of the Hues of the Violet Garden event which was launched back on April 11. Since it’s new,...
The Irodori Poetry: Part 2 quest tasks you with taking pictures of 4 different Inazuman animals. Here’s how to complete it.
A Story for You is a quest that will task you of giving 3 delicious egg rolls to Klee. Here’s how you can complete it.
Kamisato Ayato is the head of the Kamisato Clan and the brother of Kamisato Ayaka in Genshin Impact.
Despite being shown on the map, getting to The Serpent’s Cave is a bit tricky. Here’s how you can find your way to it.