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Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom – Where to Find Glide Set

Soar through the skies and cover large distances while gliding with the Glide set.




If you want to explore the Sky Islands in Tears of the Kingdom or just want more mobility while gliding and skydiving, then the Glide set is for you.

As the name implies, this armor set makes sky navigation a lot easier and more convenient.

However, you need to visit certain locations first to obtain the three pieces of the set. Let’s look at where these locations are.

Where to Find the Glide Set in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

In order to obtain all pieces of the Glide set, you’ll have to complete certain challenges in three different locations.

Where to Find the Glide Set in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
Source: 100% Guides

We start with the Glide Tights which you can find on Bravery Island. This requires you to complete a challenge by the Steward Construct.

We start with the Glide Tights which you can find on Bravery Islan
Source: 100% Guides

To get there, you want to head to the Thyplo Ruins Skyview Tower which is just north of Central Hyrule. Once you get there, enter the tower in order to reach Bravery Island.

Simply complete the challenge which involves getting through all of the sky rings in under 35 seconds. After completing it, talk to the Steward Construct and it will reward you with the Glide Tights.

To get there, you want to head to the Thyplo Ruins Skyview Tower which is just north of Central Hyrule
Source: 100% Guides

For the Glide Shirt, you want to head to the tower south of Lindor’s Brow. Use it to reach Courage Island where you have to complete another challenge given by the Steward Construct.

After beating the challenge, talk to the Construct to reward your reward.

Lastly, for the Glide Mask, make your way to the Mount Lanayru Skyview Tower east of Necluda.

As usual, enter the tower to launch you into the air. This time, you’ll arrive at Valor Island. The challenge is still pretty much the same, with the exception of a different location and some new obstacles.

After completing the challenge, speak to the Construct to receive your reward. At this point, you should now have all three pieces of the Glide set.

ALSO READ: Where to Find Zonaite Armor Set in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

Brought into the world of gaming by the time he was 10, Argie knew that gaming will bring him countless hours of fun, a thing that has never changed even up to this day. His passion for games is apparent in the articles he write, and as an expert in the genre, being able to share what he's learned, discovered, and accomplished to his fellow gamers is such an amazing opportunity.

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