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Pax Dei: Where to Find Blizzard Stone & Onyx Pax Dei: Where to Find Blizzard Stone & Onyx


Pax Dei: Where to Find Blizzard Stone & Onyx

You can make jewelry with these materials!



Blizzard Stone and Onyx are some of the many materials that you can find in the world of Pax Dei. These are used in making various jewelry items such as amulets, rings, headbands, etc.

In this guide, I will show the method of obtaining and the location of where you can find these materials.

Location of Blizzard Stone & Onyx

Unlike Iron or Copper which you have to mine, Blizzard Stone and Onyx are actually enemy drops. More specifically, drops from enemies that belong to the Inquisitors family.


You can find these types of enemies in the forest east of Merrie Wildlands. The forest is marked in the image below.

Location of NPCs
Location of enemies that drop Onyx and Blizzard Stone.

Once you get there, you will find these enemies strolling around the forest as you can see down below.

Enemies that drop Onyx and Blizzard Stone

They will be at a fairly high level so be careful around them. It is best to lure one enemy at a time away from the group and then defeat them. Once you defeat them, loot them to get a chance of obtaining Onyx or Blizzard Stone.

Jewelry Making

Once you obtain these materials, you will unlock various jewelry recipes. To actually make the jewelry, you will need a Basic Jeweler Table or a Jeweler Table.

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