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Once Human: How To Get Acid | Acid Farming

Get unlimited Acid!



Acid is going to be one of the most important resources you will need in Once Human, especially when you reach the end game. While Acid isn’t rare in Once Human, you will need to have a lot of it on hand.

There are multiple different ways in which you can get Acid in this game. Some are straightforward while others are a bit more complex. We will be looking at all the different ways in which you can get yourself some Acid. With how valuable it is, no amount is ever enough.

How To Get Acid

You will naturally get a lot of Acid in this game by just playing it. Enemies like deviants will often drop Acid when you kill them, and you will run into a lot throughout your playthrough. That being said, later on in the game, you will probably need a lot more.

There are ways in which you can farm acid and massively boost your Acid intake. We will be looking at a bunch of ways that you can use to farm tons of Acid in Once Human.

Killing Enemies

you can find hordes of deviants in silos.

While you will kill a lot of enemies that drop Acid when playing the game, you can boost that amount by killing large groups of enemies that drop Acid. The best way to do this is by finding locations like Silos or Oil Fields. Both of these locations will have a bunch of deviants roaming around that you can kill to get Acid.

You can repeat these runs multiple times and farm as much Acid as you like. Other than the Acid you get, clearing areas like Silos and Oil Fields will also get you a ton of other valuable loot.

use the preserved deviated pork chops to get a 50% boost in Acid drops.

When farming for Acid, you can utilize the Preserved Deviated Chops food item to increase Acid drop rate. You can make this food item the same way you would make any other item of food in the game. Eating these chops will increase the Acid drop rate by 50%.

Water Farming

A cool way to get Acid in this game is by setting up your water farm that uses polluted water to make Acid. You can get polluted water by using water pumps, as they will passively get you water as long as they are supplied with power. This method will require you to get a good amount of water for it to be efficient. So make sure you have at least 6 water pumps pumping water out of the ground. To pump polluted water, make sure you are in a polluted area. If you’re not in a polluted area, you can easily move your base in Once Human!

the Osmosis Water Purifier converts polluted water into impure Acid.

You will then need to connect your water pumps to the Osmosis Water Purifier, and this purifier will turn the polluted water into impure Acid. The Osmosis Water Purifier will automatically convert all the polluted water your pumps pump into impure Acid.

you can mix purified water with Impure Acid to get yourself some Acid.

Next, you will need to take the impure Acid and move it over to the Fermentation Barrel. This step is going to be manual, as there is currently no way to transport the impure Acid from the Osmosis Water Purifier to the Fermentation Barrel.

You can then mix the impure Acid and purified water, which will get you Acid as the end result. The game allows you to put a lot of purified water and impure Acid into the Fermentation Barrel.

With a method like this, it is important to remember that the bigger the scale of your process, the better your Acid generation. Having a lot of water pumps and Fermentation Barrels guarantee a very good amount of Acid in return.

Synthesis Method

The Sulfur Alchemy mastery will help you craft your own Acid.

Lastly, you can craft your own Acid using the Sulfur Alchemy mastery. This is probably the least known way to get Acid in Once Human, mainly because of a typo, at the time of writing, in the description of the mastery that makes this method possible. The description says that this mastery converts Acid into Sulfur, but the mastery works completely opposite to the description. It actually converts Sulfur into Acid.

craft Acid through the synthesis bench by inputting Sulfur.

You can then use the Advanced Synthesis Bench to convert your Sulfur into Acid. This is probably the most efficient way to get Acid, as Sulfur is very common and you get a massive Acid return. So, if you do end up getting this mastery, make sure you use it to get yourself a ton of Acid.

So there you have it, different ways that you can use to get Acid in Once Human. Use whichever one you find best, but in terms of efficiency, the synthesis and water farming methods are much more efficient than killing enemies for Acid.

The world of games is constantly changing and evolving and Ali is always looking for the new best game out there. With nearly 2 decades spent gaming, Ali has been playing video games since the early days of the first Xbox. Ali enjoys all sorts of games, and writing allows him to channel his love for gaming through his work.

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