Mount and Blade 2 Bennerlord is a complex medieval strategy game. New players often become surprised at the amount of depth and strategy the game actually takes to properly play it. It’s not just simply whacking at your enemies with a sword or mace, but it’s taking control of your finances, reputation, companions, skills, and so much more.
If you’re the kind of gamer that enjoys complex gameplay, then Mount and Blade is definitely the game for you. However, if you’re a new player, it can get intimidating at first. Luckily, here are 10 beginner tips to get you started on your quest for world domination. Let’s dive in.
10 Beginner Tips to Get You Started in Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord
1. Recruit 15-20 troops
This tip is especially applicable for beginners of the Mount and Blade franchise. Although explicitly necessary, it’s a great contingency against when you’re suddenly attacked by bandits during travel.
An additional tip would be to also back at least 15 to 20 minutes of food.
2. Start actively making money
Money is essential in making your party stronger in the game. A good strategy starting out would be to accomplish town quests and attack bandits. Defeating bandits levels up plus you get money and loot from bandits.
There’s a great separate guide for it here in GamesFuze, but I’m going to list a few ways here.
Buying Shops
Joining Tournaments
Setting up your Caravan
3. Find your team
Your team is composed of different roles. These are the roles in Mount and Blade.
To determine which companion fits which role, the Encyclopedia is a great resource for picking great companions. Open up the encyclopedia and take a peek through your companion’s stats.
4. Establish passive income
To level up your money-earning capabilities, it’s essential that you establish a means of passive income. A great method would be to establish shops.
You can first view what kind of production the town is best at before deciding which shop you want to set up. Afterward, you can see your funds passively accumulate while you’re on travel.
5. Pick your Battles
Remember to take advantage of the holes in the AI and use the appropriate strategy according to your type of enemy.
When you’re up against a large force, don’t feel that you have to commit to finishing every last one. Retreating is a viable option.
6. Aim to Marry ASAP
It’s best to find a suitable partner as soon as possible and produce as many children as you can. Offsprings can help you expand your empire and can serve as a suitable replacement when your player dies.
To check possible partners, check the encyclopedia to look at heroes and look at single females on the map. It’s better to get the youngest possible women to produce as many children as possible.
7. Use Companions for Smithing
An efficient method is to use companions for refining and smelting. To do this, just select your character in the lower left whenever to change whoever is doing the smithing.
8. Start Another Party ASAP
Players can create new parties in the Clan tab. You can appoint one of your children to be the leader or a trusted ally in the party.
Creating new parties greatly benefits in increasing the renown of your clan. Plus, they also earn income through their conquests.
9. Do Not Execute Enemies
Even though it’s tempting, executing enemies severely impacts your reputation for your world. This means it’s significantly harder to take over the map with a bad reputation.
An alternative is to sell them off for Denars but they can rebuild their clan later on. But if you desire the extra money, you can keep them as captured prisoners as much as you can and sell them off.
10. Use the Encyclopedia
The encyclopedia is frequently mentioned throughout the article, and rightfully so. It’s quite possibly the most useful resource players can have.
Using the encyclopedia, you can determine troop types, clans and families and relationships, companions, and so much more. Navigating the large encyclopedia is rather easy. It’s just a matter of checking which traits you are currently looking for.