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Zenless Zone Zero 1.0: Best META Team Compositions | F2P & Paid

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You’ll need the best team compositions in the meta if you want to challenge the toughest content in Zenless Zone Zero 1.0, whether you’re playing as an F2P or Paid player.

Sure, ZZZ is a skill-based game so you can overcome the challenges with weaker teams through pure skill. But you can always make things easier for yourself by trying to have the best teams possible.

In this guide, we’ll take a look at the best team compositions in the current version of ZZZ and explain our reasoning for them.

Best META Team Compositions in Zenless Zone Zero 1.0

Teams for Paid Players

Ellen / Lycaon / Soukaku

Ellen, Lycaon, Soukaku | Zenless Zone Zero 1.0: Best META Team Compositions

By far the best team in the meta for Zenless Zone Zero 1.0, no other team compositions come close!

Ellen is the star of the show here, as he has an extremely strong kit. She’s fast and can deal high Ice damage with ease thanks to her Additional Ability “Rising Storm” boosting her Ice damage by up to 30%. Her mobility also allows her to stay out of harm’s way with ease.

Lycaon is the other key part of this time, being your Stun Agent. In fact, he’s actually the best Stun in the entire game. He’s very simple to play, yet he can also dish out extremely high Daze damage. He’s great for enabling Ellen to deal even more damage.

Soukaku, your Support for this team, can make Ellen even stronger than she is. Soukaku’s main use for this team is her Core Passive “Blade Flurry” which allows her to get up to 1000 ATK as a buff. This damage buff can then be transferred over to Ellen via Quick Assists or Chain Attacks, making Ellen an absolute beast. It’s easy to see why they’re the best team in the game!

Soldier 11 / Koleda / Lucy

Soldier 11, Koleda, Lucy | Zenless Zone Zero 1.0: Best META Team Compositions

This is a mono-Fire team, so it’s particularly great when you need to burn down some Organic foes. In this team, Soldier 11 will be your main damage dealer while Koleda is Stun and Lucy is Support.

Soldier 11 will be capable of dishing out insane damage, particularly to Stunned enemies. This is thanks to her Fire teammates triggering her Additional Ability “Fields of Fire”. She also has an easy-to-use kit and can attack quickly enough to build the Fire Anomaly with ease.

Koleda in this team will be purely used for applying Daze. Unlike teams where you want to focus on Koleda, Ben Bigger isn’t necessary. Though speaking of Ben, he’s also a solid option for this team instead of Koleda. You can get him for free through the story, making him more accessible even if he’s not as good at dealing Daze as Koleda.

As for Lucy, she’ll mostly play her role of Support by providing extra damage with her boars. Make sure to tag her in early and use her Skill to summon the boars into the battlefield. They’ll deal extra damage on their own even after you switch back to Soldier 11.

Grace / Lycaon / Rina

Grace, Lycaon, Rina

Grace is your main star for this team, as her Anomaly Specialty makes her a sort of hybrid. She can deal damage comparable to an Attack Agent thanks to her ability to apply the Shock Anomaly. This is further bolstered by having Rina in the same team, as she makes Shock last longer and deal even more damage.

Lycaon is the recommended Stun in this team. Though, realistically speaking, most Stun characters work in this team. You can use Koleda or Anby instead if you don’t have Lycaon and don’t want to spend more time and money rolling for him. That said, Lycaon is the strongest Stun Agent in the game, so he’s the top choice!

Rina, however, is non-negotiable as your Support here. Her powerful passives will increase Shock’s duration as well as the Electrical damage dealt by the whole team. This mostly serves to make Grace’s damage output even better.

Teams for F2P Players

Billy / Anby / Nicole

Billy, Anby, Nicole | Zenless Zone Zero 1.0: Best META Team Compositions

If you want to avoid relying on the gacha at all for your team compositions, this Cunning Hares team is your best bet in Zenless Zone Zero 1.0. You get all three of these characters from just starting the game, after all.

Billy is your Attack Agent and will be the main source of damage. He has an extremely simple playstyle with very few tricks. You just hold down the basic attack button to make him crouch and shoot all the enemies dead with ease. That does mean he lacks utility compared to other Attack Agents, but his ease of use makes him a solid choice for every player.

Anby is your Stun Agent here, of course. She’s easy to use just like Billy and can dish out Daze easily thanks to her quick attacks. You’ll want to tag her in to Stun foes before Billy can fill them with lead. Her Electricity element also makes her shine when dealing with Robotic foes.

Nicole is your Support Agent and she has two great tools in her kit. The first one is that she can reload to enhance her attacks, which will reduce enemies’ DEF by 20%. The second is her EX Special Attack, which fires a black hole that can suck in enemies. Not only does it deal damage, it also keeps them all in place and can even be enhanced to apply the DEF debuff. This makes Billy’s ability to do damage even better!

Corin / Lycaon / Lucy

Corin, Lycaon, Rina | Zenless Zone Zero 1.0: Best META Team Compositions

If you’re playing during the Zenless Zone Zero 1.0 launch period, you’ll have Corin available from the get-go as a freebie. She can be tough to use properly, but the right team can make her shred foes easily.

Corin’s biggest weakness currently is that she relies heavily on charging her attacks. She needs her foes to stay still or be Stunned so that she can make full use of her chainsaw. However, her damage potential is extremely high due to that, too. Her charged chainsaw attacks deal hundreds of hits in a short period of time, wrecking static foes and also making it easy for her to apply the Assault Anomaly!

Lycaon would be your best bet as a Stun for this team. As we’ve mentioned before, he’s the best Stun currently in the game. What’s more, he’s the same faction as Corin, allowing them to activate each other’s Additional Abilities. Make good use of Lycaon to Stun foes, then switch over to Corin to deal devastating damage with her charged chainsaw attacks.

Lucy is the Support of choice for this team, but she’s mostly just serving an auxiliary role. She’s not too necessary for Corin and Lycaon, but her boars can provide solid damage with little effort and she has decent Stun capabilities. However, you could replace her with other Physical Agents if you wish. Some people have success using Billy instead, for example, as he makes it easier to trigger the Assault Anomaly.

Anton / Anby / Rina

Anton, Anby, Rina

Our last F2P team is one that makes the most of Anton. He’s one of the A-Rank Agents with a rate up in the current limited banner, so he’s easy to get currently!

Anton is a very strong Electric Attack Agent, feeling more like an S-Rank than an A-Rank at times. His main gimmick is his ability to enter Burst Mode when using his EX Special Skill, which greatly increases his ability to deal Electric damage. He also has decent speed and can apply the Shock Anomaly with relative ease, which is even better with Rina in your team.

Anby is your choice of Stun here, due to also being an Electric Agent. She’s easy to use, has decent Stun capabilities, and is also obtained at the start of the game. That makes her a pretty solid choice when trying to make F2P team compositions for Anton in Zenless Zone Zero 1.0.

Rina, similar to other Electric teams in this guide, is what allows Anton to truly excel in his role. The buffs provided by Rina will make Anton a beast, especially whenever you apply the Shock Anomaly. The only issue with Rina is that she’s an S-Rank Agent, so she might be hard to get as a purely F2P player. But, if you luck out and get both Anton and Rina, this team is excellent!

Make sure to also understand the Drive Disc System so that you can make full use of the best team compositions are for the meta in Zenless Zone Zero 1.0 as well!

Venezuelan gamer cursed by being interested by most games, resulting in a ridiculous backlog he’ll never be able to conquer. Been gaming for over two decades now! Few things exemplify his wide variety in gaming tastes as the fact that he’s a big fan of both Souls games and the Atelier series at the same time. Also a big fan of Yakuza/Like a Dragon, Deadly Premonition, Zero Escape, and Dead Rising, among others. Considers Lost Judgment and Sekiro to both be masterpieces.

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