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Monster Hunter: Sunbreak: All-New Weapon Switch Skills and How to Use Them

The new Sunbreak expansion for Monster Hunter introduces some new weapon switch skills, and needless to say, they’re absolutely amazing.




There are a handful of new additions to the Sunbreak expansion for Monster Hunter. One of them comes in the form of new weapon switch skills. These new switch skills basically make the combat more fun and engaging, further adding a new layer of combat options for you to use.

As there are lots of new weapon switch skills, we’re going to talk about all of them in this article.

All-New Weapon Switch Skills and How to Use Them in Monster Hunter: Sunbreak

All weapons in Monster Hunter Rise have a weapon switch skill. In Sunbreak, however, each weapon has received even further weapon switch skills. In fact, there’s a total of 42 new switch skills in Sunbreak, and they’re as follows:


  • Stake Thrust – Places a stake on the target which will deal additional damage when hit.
  • Butcher’s Bind – Basically the ranged version of Stake Thrust, except that you can actually combine both of them for more extra damage.
  • Bolt Boost – Reduces your lesser sweet spot range but gives you extra damage in return.

Long Sword

  • Sacred Sheathe Combo – Charges your blade while consuming your spirit gauge to deal a devastating combo.
  • Tempered Spirit Blade – Counters an attack by slashing your sword forward, gaining a spirit gauge in return.
  • Harvest Moon – Creates a huge AOE that reduces your spirit gauge’s drain rate and even causes your counterattacks to deal additional hits.

Light Bowgun

  • Critical Firepower – Reduces your sweet spot range but increases the damage of all ammo types.
  • Wyvern Counter – This allows you to evade an attack by performing a shot overhead that causes you to retreat to a safe distance.
  • Mech Silkbind Shot – Loads a special ammo that causes the monster’s part to easily break or cause it to become mountable when hit.

Dual Blades

  • Slide Slash Combo – Performs a reorienting strike whenever you hit left or right each time you perform a normal attack.
  • Spiral Slash – Causes you to latch onto a monster and drill into its targeted body part.
  • Ironshine Silk – Grants you a 45-second buff that recovers your weapon’s sharpness when performing perfect dodges.

Charge Blade

  • Firing Pin – Marks a target’s body part while using the sword mode. These marked spots will then grow and will detonate when hit with the axe mode.
  • Ready Stance – Performs a counterattack with different attack variations immediately after absorbing a hit.
  • Air Dash – Jumps into the air and hit the target with a downward attack or a phial explosion.

Gun Lance

  • Erupting Cannon – Ignites your lance’s tip for a certain duration and causes all slashing attacks to deal increased damage.
  • Bullet Barrage – Causes you to lunge forward while shooting bullets from your lance all at once.
  • Reverse Blast – Propels you backward which you can then follow with several attack variations.

Hunting Horn

  • Swing Combo – Moves you to either left or right after hitting two swings. The direction you move to will depend on whether you swung from the left or the right.
  • Sonic Bloom – Plants a tiny pod on the ground that detonates for a heavy damage after performing a few songs while near it.
  • Silkbind Shockwave – Grants you a buff for a certain duration that causes all of your weapon attacks to hit several times per swing.

Heavy Bowgun

  • Crouching Shot – Shoots at a faster rate while crouching by simply holding down your fire button. However, it can cause your weapon to overheat if you hold it for too long.
  • Rising Moon – Places a white ring in front of you that causes your ammo to travel faster and farther when hitting through it.
  • Setting Sun – Similar to Rising Moon, except that it places a red ring and shortens your ammos’ travel distance. However, it will cause any multi-hit ammo to hit even more times.


  • Surge Slash Combo – Increases the attack speed of all your greatsword attacks which you can then follow up with a charged attack.
  • Strongarm Stance – A counter that allows you to directly perform the third hit of the Surge Slash Combo.
  • Backslide – An evasive maneuver that lets you maintain all of your charge combos while still allowing you to go out of harm’s way.

Insect Glaive

  • Kinsect Slash – Causes you to fly forward and gain an extract regardless of which part of the monster you hit.
  • Awakened Kinsect Attack – Causes you to fly forward to your target and consumes all extracts. This will mark your target, allowing you to perform a vaulting dance which you can then pair with a wide variety of combos.
  • Kinsect Glide – Sends you flying forward, allowing you to gain extracts depending on which part you hit. Additionally, you can perform this action while in the air.

Sword and Shield

  • Twin Blade Combo – Switches your attack after performing a side slash.
  • Destroyer Oil – Applies a coating to your weapon which allows your attacks to interrupt a monster whenever it performs an attack.
  • Shield Bash – Sends you forward to your target while having your shield raised. It can even block attacks that are directly in front of you.

Switch Axe

  • 2-Staged Morph Slash Combo – This allows you to perform two different attacks after performing a wild swing.
  • Wire Step – An evasive maneuver that causes you to latch onto your target so you can dodge an incoming attack.
  • Elemental Burst Counter – Assumes a ready stance that allows you to perform an elemental burst when attacking.


  • Shield Tackle – Rushes forward while absorbing any incoming attack. You can also perform two different follow-ups right after this.
  • Skyward Thrust – Thrusts your lance upward, launching you into the air, then allowing you to perform a downward thrust right after.
  • Sheathing Retreat – An action that allows you to automatically sheath your weapon whenever you evade attacks backward.


  • Spinning Bludgeon: Charge – Switches your spinning attack and allows you to build up energy. It also automatically switches to your other mode without losing the charge.
  • Keeping Sway – This allows you to dodge incoming attacks without losing your charge.
  • Impact Burst – Buffs your weapon for a minute, causing your swinging attacks to hit your targets multiple times.

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Brought into the world of gaming by the time he was 10, Argie knew that gaming will bring him countless hours of fun, a thing that has never changed even up to this day. His passion for games is apparent in the articles he write, and as an expert in the genre, being able to share what he's learned, discovered, and accomplished to his fellow gamers is such an amazing opportunity.

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