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How Long To Beat Final Fantasy VI? | Playtime Length

One of the greatest epics of all time, Final Fantasy VI is a long journey you should set aside some time to.

Iris Ruiz



Battling in giant mechas, thwarting the plot of insane clowns, you name it, FFVI has it.  As my favorite game in the Final Fantasy franchise, I can safely claim that it has a story that behooves everyone to play it at least once.  For those who are wondering how long the game can take, it would depend on what kind of player you are.

Read on to find out how many hours you would need to set aside for FFVI

How Long To Beat Final Fantasy VI?

Due to how much dialogue the game could have as per usual with JRPGs, Final Fantasy VI can take 35 hours to complete if you’re shooting for just the story alone.  The world is rich with things to discover and talking to all the NPCs you encounter could be very rewarding for lore junkies. 

If you are like me, who can’t put down the game and want to explore everything it has to offer, it would take a minimum of 66 hours to go through, provided you want to get all the Magic, skills and the secret weapons the game has to offer.

Now that it’s getting a pixel remaster, it would be the perfect time to sink your teeth into this masterpiece. 

Buckle up, prepare some snacks and tissues as you explore the world with the rest of the returners and the colorful cast of characters they meet along the way.

ALSO READ: Final Fantasy VI: Fix Game Crashing & Not Starting

Game Junkie and does not shut up about Final Fantasy, Iris has experience with writing for publications since 2010. An occasional tabletop DM and a hard-core MMO raider, she can learn the nuances of games as fast as just a few hours of gametime offering unbiased insightful, fun reviews and guides.

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