Instantly travel to your highest floor achieved in the Mines
Which crop is the best to grow in the Year 1 Spring?
You can summon pets in Undecember to automatically pick up loot for you. You do this by simply equipping a pet in your Pet menu.
Buying and selling items are a pretty basic game mechanic in Undecember that you can perform via the Peddler NPC.
Return Scroll is an item that allows you to create a portal back to town. You can get it by buying the item from the Peddler.
The Bronze Keep Essence is a resource in Coral Island that you can craft by using an Extractor device.
Charcoal is an important resource in Coral Island that you use for crafting various items. You can craft it by processing wood into coal via the...
Suspiciously Spiced Steak is a new quest in WoW where you have to gather certain ingredients for a recipe of the same name.
The hot springs is a location in Coral Island where you can take a dip to regenerate your energy over time.
Know everything that needs to be known in the All Medieval Story Puzzle.