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Cordon Rookie Village Stash on Map - Stalker 2 Cordon Rookie Village Stash on Map - Stalker 2


Stalker 2 – Cordon Rookie Village New Stash Location

We’ll help you reach the hidden New Stash at Rookie Village.



Rookie Village is a key settlement location in the Cordon region in Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl, and it has a very well-hidden New Stash for you to find.

The “New Stash” isn’t really all that new, as its location is actually a reference to a previous game in the series. Nonetheless, trying to reach it in Stalker 2 can prove surprisingly tough, even for veteran players…

In this short guide, we’ll tell you how to reach the location of the New Stash hidden in Rookie Village, Cordon.

Cordon Rookie Village New Stash Location

Cordon Rookie Village Stash location marked on Map - Stalker 2

You can find the New Stash in Cordon’s Rookie Village in the easternmost building in town, marked above.

Abandoned building in Stalker 2

To reach the stash itself, you’ll need to get onto the building’s rooftop. It’s a bit tricky, but it’s possible to jump onto it by using the nearby logs and fence. We recommend being extremely patient when trying to get this one, though! Especially if you’re using a controller and dealing with the dreaded deadzone issues…

Cordon Rookie Village Stash Stalker 2

Once you manage to get onto the roof, check the eastern side of the roof to find a hole with a backpack. Open up the backpack and loot everything it has to mark the stash as found.

Inventory in Stalker 2

You’ll also get the “Elimination System For Poisonous Substances” Blueprint from this stash. It’s an upgrade for Exoskeletons, so you can install it on your Exoskeleton… once you get an Exoskeleton and find the proper Technician for it, that is!

But well, that’s everything you need to know about the location of the New Stash in Rookie Village, Cordon in Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl. It’s pretty tricky to reach, but it’s definitely worth looting it for the Exoskeleton upgrade Blueprint.

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