Assassin’s Creed Shadows features a lot of side content that you can complete throughout your playthrough, and some of them unlock some neat but otherwise non-essential things, such as cosmetics for your hideout. In this guide, we will quickly show you where to find all the legendary animals that Naoe can paint to unlock new sumi-e for your hideout.
All Legendary Sumi-e Animals Locations Guide
Just like all of the other animals in the game that you can paint as Naoe, the only thing to really keep in mind is that you have to sneak up to them. If you run in with your horse or just make a lot of noise and sudden movements, they will panic and leave the area.
There are five legendary animals that will unlock some neat new sumi-e, which is a type of painting, for your hideout. They can be found in varying places and may require certain seasons or time of day to appear. Here is a list of all five of them:
#1. Legendary Wise Monkeys – These are found within the Yamashiro region, near the Sarumaru Shrine in Little Leaf Glade. They can be found during any season, though you have to come here at night.
#2. Legendary Red-Crowned Crane – This crane can be found near Lake Suigetsu within the Wakasa region. You have to come here at day time during the winter season. As you approach the marked spot in the map, make sure to use the bushes nearby as cover to not scare it away.
#3. Legendary Sakura Shika Deer – At the Sakura Meadow to the west of Yoshino, you will find the Legendary Sakura Shika Deer with glowing antlers. It can be found here at night time during the spring season. You can’t miss it due to how bright it is glowing.
#4. Legendary White Tanuki – This can be found at the Shigaraki Hamlet within the Shimmering Fields, which is found in the Omi region. You must come here at day time during the summer season. Just follow the unlit lanterns along the path and you will eventually see it glowing in an open area.
#5.Legendary Silver Fox – Finally, this last LegendarySilver Fox can be found in the Kiiregion. Specifically, it can be found at the Kamimisu Inari Shrine at night time during the autumn season. It is close to a fast travel point, if you already have one. You should see it glowing as you pass the torii gate leading into the shrine.
And those are all of the locations that you have to go to in order to witness these legendary creatures, as well as the specific time of day and season that they will show up in. As with any of the other animals that you can paint, just walk slowly towards them and stop if they become alert for a moment.
Franco is a writer and avid gamer who spends a lot of his free time looking for the next obscure indie roguelike to add to his collection. If he’s not busy working or writing on his personal blog, there’s also a non-zero chance that you stumble into him in pretty much any multiplayer game that has SEA or OCE servers. He’s pretty good at anything unless it’s a fighting game, in which case you’d probably body him.