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ARK Fjordur: Where to Get Rock Drakes | Location Guide

There are so many creatures in this game, and one is the Rock Drake, also known as Draconis Obscurum



Draconis Obscurum is a peculiar carnivore with an aggressive nature that dates from an unknown time. This creature resembles a reptile with wings that allow it to glide through the air, and it also has the capacity to camouflage itself, which it inherited from creatures like the chameleon.

These critters can usually be found prowling around their nesting place, guarding their eggs, and looking for prey to gnaw on.

ARK Fjordur: Where to Get Rock Drakes | Location Guide.

Many people are curious about the creature’s origins, but they admire its beauty and extraordinary ability to blend in with the environment, which other tribes exploit in wars and special raids.

Due to its unique skills, having a Rock Drake provides a significant boost to any tribe due to its ability to move rapidly and participate in raids and conflicts.

Asgard Realm

The rock drakes can be found in the Asgard Realm using a portal room. In the Asgard Realm, go to the  bottom left-hand corner of the map into a blue forest; there you’ll find caves containing lots and lots of rock drakes and their eggs

The Rock Drake is perhaps one of the most adaptable mounts available, capable of catching up to whatever it is hunting by climbing, gliding, or simply outrunning it.

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