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Hero Siege: Disconnected After Logging In

Nothing upsets us more than disconnecting after looking forward to playing a game.

Iris Ruiz



Hero Siege is a hack and slash RPG game that tickles the fancy of those who like dungeon crawling and grinding for loot.  While it’s charm is in the mechanics, a lot of players have experienced some disconnects after logging in the game. 

There is a fix for this one, and it should have been patched many years ago by the developers.  If this patch didn’t do anything for you, read on to find out how to get through this error.

Disconnected After Logging In – Hero Siege

To get the game up and running again, you can try to use port forwarding.  It’s a bit advanced for some but follow these steps and you should be good to go.  Alternatively, you can try to use a VPN, there are a few free VPNs in the market that can help you.

As for port forwarding, here are the steps to do it.

  1. Click on Start then type in CMD.  It should bring up the command prompt as it’s first result.  Right click on it and select Run as Administrator
  1. It should pull up a black box.  Type in ipconfig then look for “Default Gateway”.  It should look like an ip address.  Copy these numbers to your browser and then log into your router.  Take note of your IPv4 address as well which should be a few lines above Default Gateway
  1. You would need to enter your router’s username and password.  Once you’re in, you can check this website to find your router manufacturer with instructions to forward your port.  Every router has a different setup so choose the one that matches.

Have fun in multiplayer and we hope this solves the issues!  If the Port Forwarding doesn’t work, you can also use forwarding services like Hamachi.

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