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Terraria: Best Method to Clear the Corruption | Evil Biomes in 1.4.4

Clear the Evil Biomes that are slowly eating your world




The Terraria 1.4.4 update has introduced new items that might simplify eliminating Evil Biomes from your world. Additionally, it includes the brand-new Good Riddance achievement. We’ll demonstrate how to exterminate every Evil Biome in your world.

Best Method to Clear the Corruption/ Evil Biomes in 1.4.4 in Terraria

In Terraria, an Evil Biome is a dangerous biome that spreads spontaneously and has a detrimental impact on nearby things. The Three Evil Biomes are Corruption, The Crimson, and The Hallow.

These Evil Biomes were difficult to purify before the 1.4.4 update. The 1.4.4 update includes 2 newly added things that will simplify purifying it.

Purifying the Evil Biomes

The best approach to eliminate all Evil Biomes is to follow the procedures below to earn the Good Riddance achievement. You need the Terraformer and the Biome Sight Potion, two recently added goods.


By taking down one of the bosses from the Evil Biomes, you can unlock the Dryad. The Dryad will inform you of these Evil Biomes’ dominance over your globe. To beat at least 1 mechanical boss in the world, you also need the Steampunk NPC.

She will provide you Green Solution, which you can use as ammunition in the Contaminator to clean the Hallow, Corruption, or Crimson Biome.


You must upgrade the Clentaminator by immersing it in Shimmer to get the Terraformer.

Biome Sight Potion

A buff potion called Biome Sight Potion can highlight surrounding afflicted blocks. This potion can be made at an alchemy table with Bottle Water, Fireblossom, Blinkroot, Moonglow, and 5 Grass Seeds.


The Evil Biomes can be found by using a biome Sight Potion. Put these Evil Biomes under quarantine, by creating hellevators. Make pads that pass through the Evil Biome so the Terraformer can reach every infected block. Use the Terraformer to purify the Evil Biomes by dousing them with the Green Solution.

If you 100% cleared all of the Evil Biomes you will receive the Good Riddance achievement and the Dryad will tell you that your world is completely pure.

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