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summoners war chronicles how to farm the best gear summoners war chronicles how to farm the best gear


Summoners War Chronicles: How To Farm The Best Gear

Brace yourselves for war!

Nicole Barelli



Defending the kingdom in Summoners War: Chronicles isn’t the easiest of tasks. Enemies and obstacles abound; if you hope to vanquish them, you’ll need the best weapons and equipment the world has to offer! That’s what this guide is here for: to show you how to farm the best gear in the game!

How To Farm The Best Gear – Summoners War Chronicles

The best gear in Summoners War: Chronicles can be acquired by farming the Elite Raids, which will reward you with Raid Gear.

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Source: TrollGaming from YouTube

However, those Elite Raids are extremely difficult, demanding a big team with a high-powered arsenal. And you might not have that often or at all at your disposal. What to do, then?

Well, you can craft those powerful weapons!

In the blacksmith area of your professions, you can see that, once you reach level 5, you’ll unlock the ability to craft those Raid Gears.

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Source: TrollGaming from YouTube

One of the items you’ll need to craft those legendary weapons is an Awakened Weapon! Now, the question becomes: how to acquire that weapon?

There are two ways to do it, both involving farming.

One of the ways is to farm the dungeons. The best way, however, is to farm Subjugation Tokens. Those can be farmed in the Path of Growth, in the Subjugation area.

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Source: TrollGaming from YouTube

It doesn’t matter the level of the dungeon but pay attention to the bonus tag because those dungeons marked as having a bonus are the only ones that reward the tokens. You can see the rewards before facing the dungeon, so make sure you see the Subjugation Token in the list.

And be prepared to farm a lot of those!

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Source: TrollGaming from YouTube

Once you have a good amount of Subjugation Tokens, meet the Subjugation Merchant in Casslan.

You can trade Subjugation Tokens with him for weapons and items, including the Awakened Weapons that are required to craft the Raid Gear.

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Source: TrollGaming from YouTube

The good thing about this trade is that you can wield the Awakened Weapon, which is a fairly good equipment to use before you unlock the most powerful gears.

Thank you TrollGaming for creating this guide! If you want to see more, please check out his video: HOW TO FARM THE BEST GEAR !?! Summoners War : Chronicles

ALSO READ: Summoners War Chronicles: Complete F2P Guide

Nicole is passionate about storytelling and can always be found with a book in hand. She dreams of creating her own games and writing poetry with faeries.

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